I cannot believe it’s been half a year since this day already. It truly feels like yesterday, but I hear time always feels weird once you have kids. I’ve been taking monthly photos and documenting milestones on social media, but I thought it would be nice to round them up here as well so I can easily find and remember every little step of the way. I love how at first my descriptions are short and sweet (probably due to extreme sleep deprivation and wedding planning stress) and now each one is a novel. I can’t help it—everything she does is fascinating!! It’s also wild to watch her face change sooo much each month. She’s just perfect.

One whole month of Scarlett Olivia Baby girl loves to stick her tongue out, make pterodactyl noises (especially when mom’s trying to sleep), suck on her fingers, and smile in her sleep
She grunts like a body builder when she does tummy time, lifts her head like a champ, and is particularly fond of dad’s made up nursery rhymes
We are so very tired but incredibly grateful for this easy going, beautiful little nugget

Baby Scarlett is two months as of yesterday! She is holding her head up like a champ, she loves to smile (especially at Dada and my nipples ), take baths, suck on her fingers, and blow bubbles. She’s over 11 lbs and has already outgrown her newborn outfits
She is fascinated by her sensory stimulation cards that Susie Gibson made for her and she pretty exclusively naps on people during the day (but sleeps so well in her bassinet at night
). We are so proud of our little Santa baby and cannot wait for her first Christmas

Somehow our little nugget is already three months old In the past month she really perfected her gummy smile, gave us her first real giggles, and started sticking her whole hand in her mouth. She loves having conversations with her daddy, swaying and vibrating in her swings, going on long walks in her stroller, and napping in her baby wrap. She also terrified her parents when she developed a full-body rash and we took our very first family trip to the ER (she is doing great—in fact, she was happy and chill the whole time, but her parents were losing their sh*t). We are so in love with this little babe. Cheers to 2022 and the many more (hopefully less scary) firsts to come

Our sweet baby Scarlett is four whole months old today and ready for her first V-Day next month ❤️🔥 Turns out time goes by a lot quicker when you’re not pregnant. Here are some of her many accomplishments from the past month:
She can roll from her back to her side all by herself
She rocks the Superman pose during tummy time
She hugs her stuffies and our arms tight like a little monkey
She loves floating around in the tub with her Otteroo
We think she’s teething because she drools like crazy and puts everything in her mouth
She slams her legs down in her crib and violently shakes her head from side to side when trying to fall asleep
She takes her pacifier out of her mouth (sometimes flinging it across the room)
She chats allll the time with all different pitches and vowels
We are so proud

Today our little ScarBow is five months old! She truly becomes more fun and interactive every single day. Here are some of the milestones from the past month:
Excited squeals and gorilla noises and imitating our speech patterns (we even thought we heard a HI at one point).
Obsessed with whatever we’re eating and drinking, so we got her her own tiny cup and she tried a sip of water for the first time!
Works on her core muscles constantly by doing the superwoman pose and even did one unassisted roll tummy to back.
Took her first long road trip from FL to North GA and was a little angel until about 7pm. Now we know she hates being in the car at bedtime. Also learned she loves live music just like her mama!
Still drooling like crazy—goes through several bibs a day!
She just perfected happy baby pose! She has officially found her feet
Loves her story books and has started flipping the pages herself.
Pretty inconsistent with sleeping, but we have gotten several 6- to 8-hour stretches of sleep at night, so we are very grateful that she seems to be getting the hang of it!
This is our last monthly update before mama has to go back to work. It’s definitely bittersweet, but Scarlett is looking forward to spending more time with Nanu during the week.

A very merry half birthday to YOU! Our baby Scarbow is six months old, and her personality is really shining through these days!
She can fit into the very first baby shoes and hug the stuffed bunny we bought for her when we announced our pregnancy Easter of last year
Her beautiful, sparkly blue eyes look like they’re here to stay (thanks for passing those on, Pop-pop!)
She’s been laughing way louder and more often.
She knows where her feet are, points to them, and does the happy baby yoga pose.
She smiles soooo big with her whole face.
She tried blueberries, avocados, bananas, and more. So far she hates
and LOVES drinking water from her tiny cup.
She’s starting to sit up with minimal assistance and enjoys trying food in her high chair.
She stares at and loves on the dogs now. Leon loves licking her and Ziggy likes to guard her crib.
She got her first cold and took it like a champ!
Had her first blowout in the car seat, then had another one
She started sleeping in the crib in the nursery all night long (waking up just for feeds twice a night).
Her bald spot is finally growing in on the back of her head!
Loves touching people’s faces (especially beards), scratching things, and she just started reaching out for Nanu Poppins
This month she got to spend quality time with her besties, Alice and Palmer, and attended her very first costume party (and her eye brows were on point
Have I mentioned that we couldn’t be more in love with this little nugget? We feel extremely lucky to have the love and support of our family nearby. Not only is Scarlett a constant source of joy to her parents, but the love she receives from the rest of the fam is truly a blessing to witness. So in case you were wondering, yes, we do miss California, but it’s 10000% worth it to be near our Florida fam (and it’s that much easier to get to the UK to see the other half as well). We can’t wait to take her across the pond this fall!
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