We dressed up as Goldilocks and the three bears to check off my dress-up-the-pups requirement on my Fall Bucket List and it was mostly a success! Granted this is pretty much the only shot where both the dogs are in focus and sort of looking at the camera (props to my sister for capturing!).

We dressed up about a week before actual Halloween and brought our porridge bowls full of candy to my best friend’s daughter who was going to miss out on trick-or-treating due to COVID. Leon managed to wiggle out of his costume before we even finished chatting with them (from six feet away) and we accidentally left it on the ground. I truly don’t know how people get such great shots of their dogs.

I can’t handle Jason’s bear feet. They were SO good. The only way I managed to keep the dogs from completely decimating the teddy bear arms/ears/slippers was by spraying them all down with bitter apple spray. It really works and is necessary with a puppy this big and teeth that sharp (but can also be used to prevent them chewing on themselves).

As you can see, the bears’ costumes were more elaborate at the beginning. Leon had a baby dog toy sewn to his arm and Ziggy had an old lady scarf and rainbow necklace 😂I don’t think we got any photos of Jason’s bear tail, but he had one as well.

HER FACE! I die.

We can also check “decorate pumpkins” off the list! The fam spent a whole Saturday painting pumpkins and we did not miss the gooey seeds/slime/manual labor that is usually required for pumpkin decorating one bit.

I hope you all had an amazing Halloween weekend! I spent the real deal in New Jersey, but that’ll have to be a post for a different day because I took a LOT of photos.
Don’t forget to vote tomorrow!!!
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