2. Shitty Christmas Movies—for some reason this is all I want to watch this year. Usually I stick to my go-to, wonderful wintry wonderland movies like White Christmas and Love Actually, but this year Netflix is bringing me all my hilariously bad movies in a major way. So far my favorite has been a Christmas Knight starring Vanessa Hudgens, closely followed by Christmas in the Rockies and Merry Kiss-mas (so so incredibly bad). I am going to create a drinking game/Bingo board to play while watching these bad boys, so stay tuned and you, too, can get wildly drunk while watching terrible actors fall in love in five minutes
3. We’re going to go see the Zoo Lights at the Oakland Zoo next week! I’ve lived in Oakland for almost six years and this will be my first time seeing the zoo all lit up, so I am pumped.
4. Last year we went to the Dickens Fair and it. was. EPIC. Not sure if we’ll make it this year, but… if you’re local, I highly recommend. The Queen even made an appearance.

6. Not to be outdone, Jason got me a candy calendar, but he did a little game of Operation to remove all the dairy-filled products and replace them with lactose-friendly options. He’s the best.
7. I’ve mentioned this a few times on Instagram, but J is British and therefore somewhat new to American chain restaurants. After one too many, “OMG you’ve never tried ___?!”s, we started a tradition where any time we take a road trip, I introduce him to a chain that we would *never* visit otherwise. So far we’ve done Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Chili’s, Arby’s, Chick Fil-A, and Buffalo Wild Wings. I think Applebee’s is up next, but please let me know if I’m missing anything crucial (chains they have in the UK don’t count, like KFC or TGIFridays, and apparently Taco Bell was first on his list when he moved here four years ago). This weekend we’re going against the rules and double dipping at Buffalo Wild Wings because a) I had never been there before either and I was v impressed and b) we’re going to go see Candy Cane Lane, which is apparently where a neighborhood goes all out with Christmas decorations in San Ramon, so we’re making a day of it. I’m way too excited about it.
8. Gingerbread Decorating! I’m taking J to Florida with me in a couple weeks for his first Gibson Christmas and the first thing we’ll do (after making white Russians) is have our annual gingerbread party. Attendance is lookin’ good this year and I can’t wait to see what he comes up with for his first time.

10. My roomies, Jason, and I may or may not have all gotten matching Christmas jammies (including Ziggy), so if we can get it together in time, holiday cards are forthcoming.
So those are just some of the ways I’m getting into the spirit this year. How are you celebrating the holidays?
Need more holiday inspo? Check out the Christmas bucket list and a last-minute, budget gift guide.
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