But when I say I “took a chance,” I’m lying my face off because I actually spent several hours crafting that CL ad. No joke, I was tired of finding a new roomie every couple months, so I took a hint from the hundreds of job listings I’ve read (and been rejected by) over the years. I did it up big explaining exactly what our apartment is like (covered in dog hair and always operating to the sound of Taylor Swift or Gilmore Girls), what myself and my other roomie (another one of the coolest people in the world) are like (cooking, drinking, talking openly about any and all bodily functions), and what we wanted him or her to be like (mostly in love with my dog).
Then, to make sure the candidate read through the entire listing, they had to start their application off with their go-to karaoke song. We had some pretty promising players, but Elizabeth came with actual references, and as soon as she walked in (bearing wine and brownies) it felt like she belonged. Ziggy had the final say, of course, but *knock on wood* she hasn’t run away yet and it’s been over three months. Obviously we love her, and since she’s always, always sharing her wine with me, I thought I’d express my gratitude by bringing her as my plus one to the Memorial Day Wente White Party in the Vineyard.
You might already know this, but when I first moved to California I lived in Livermore for a year. I’ve been telling everyone in the SF area how underrated Livermore Valley Wine Country is forever, and I even had a tasting (or 12) at Wente way back in the day, so naturally I was very excited when they offered me a free ticket to the wine party.
As soon as we drove the 45 minutes it takes to get from Oakland to Livermore, the clouds disappeared completely and it was straight up 75 and sunny the whole time.
There was a gif-making booth complete with props, a basket of sunscreen for folks like myself, a branded tote full of delicious food (quinoa, lots of cheese, two different types of sandwiches and the cutest little handpie) and ginormous balloons on each table–ours kept bopping me in the head. I apologize for not getting that on camera.
We sat at a random table with the friendliest people, and as we drank more Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay, the conversation naturally got raunchier (let’s just say there was talk of piercings and I somehow managed to show off my tattoo without flashing everyone).
After a whole lot of laughing and posing with the Wente sign, we finished off the Memorialist Memorial Day party ever by getting our dance on. Luckily I did manage to get that on camera for you, but I’m sparing you by muting the part where I rap at the camera–you’re welcome. Check out the fabulous event by pressing play below.
Thanks so much for having us, Wente. We’ll be back next year.
That's a party I'd kill to attend! Looked like so much fun!