You guys.
The #PLUCKYtoNOTHIN Instagram challenge is pretty much the coolest thing Sarah and I have ever done. You are all KILLIN’ it out there. I had a hard time picking just 16 photos to feature in this collage. There are so many gorgeous photos populating this hashtag right now and I just want to say thank you so, so very much for participating. I’ve discovered so many kickass bloggers, ‘grammers and just all-around cool people so far.
If you were toying around with the idea of participating, but life got in the way, I totally get it and I want you to jump in anyway! You don’t have to post every day or nail every prompt – shoot, just add the hashtag to a rando photo if you want! Why not? We’re all friends here. See the prompts here.
There are three more weeks left of this challenge, so let’s make them all as fantastic as the first week was! Need some inspo? Check out the hashtag here and sign up for the One to Nothin’ weekly newsletter below for some tips, tricks and all-around fun stuff!
Now that I’ve gotten all that gushing out of my system, here are some links for your Friday reading pleasure:
+I couldn’t agree more with this piece on why you should move out of your hometown.
+Dancing with friends is good for you. Science.
+Call this number for a good time with the Biebs: 231-377-1113
+This brilliant biz model recycles old military materials to create really freakin’ cute stuff.
+Have you ever wondered what flavor Mountain Dew is? Spoiler: Mountain Dew flavor.
+iTunes user license agreement in graphic novel form.. I love how some people spend their time.
+Honest slogans.
+The most gorgeous and eloquent food blog the world has ever seen.
+This Insta-famous teen decided to change her ways in a big way.
+My bloggy crush of the week.
+Word of the week: Lampshading – What you call wearing an oversized t-shirt that covers up your Nike shorts (norts), making you look like a lamp shade (I’m starting to not miss college anymore..).
Happy Friday!
Where did this lampshading business come from?? Was it in the skimm or something? I swear I read it somewhere this week… thanks for picking my pic! <3
I keep forgetting to post/tag for this, but I love all the shots so far! Making a mental note to get right on that!
Woot woot! I see my pic! Having lots of fun participating in the challenge 🙂