There are some really awesome things about Oakland. Take the concerts, hip bars with cocktails that take 10 minutes and 18 ingredients to make, bottomless mimosa brunches, farmers markets (if you’re into that sort of thing–I’m not), diverse population and wicked sunsets, for example. The not-so-awesome things about Oakland, however, are car break-ins. A-holes around here just want to steal everything. In the past year+1 month that I’ve lived here, my roommate’s car was broken into once and my boyfriend’s car has been broken into twice. I’ve been lucky (knock on wood), but one of the more unfortunate break-ins included a smashed in window, a stolen backpack full of snacks and a trashcan full of broken glass. But you know that old saying, right? When life gives you a little B&E, make coasters. So I did.
Here’s what you need:
+Jar lids (roughly the same size, besides that no requirements)
+White spray paint
+Elmer’s glue
+Mod Podge
+Tinted broken glass
Start by spray painting your jar lids white. Let them dry, then do it again, dry again, you get the point. Be sure to get the insides too.
It’s sort of mesmerizing, right?
Mix the Elmer’s glue with about a tablespoon of water to create a runnier (longer lasting) paste and coat the inside of the lid with it. Carefully place the broken glass pieces in as even a layer along the inside of the lid as possible. As that layer dries, repeat on the next lid and so on. Tip: to avoid touching the glass with my fingers, I used a combination of spooning the glass into the lid and arranging with a toothpick or Q-tip.
Continue layering the glass on top of each semi-dry layer until there’s an even layer across the top of the lid. Once the glue has dried (and undoubtedly pooled at the bottom of the lid), fill in the cracks with Mod Podge, let dry and enjoy your new coasters doused in optimism.
that is such a cute project.
You always make me smile. Great crafty touch, my friend!
This is such a fun craft! I love how you took something broken and made it into something new – I think we could all use a little bit more of that in life! Definitely hanging on to my salsa lids to make these. X!
I have a broken mirror at home that I'd love to do this with.. I'm afraid to break the mirror into smaller pieces though because I always heard "7 years bad luck" when you break a mirror.. hmm. I'll be looking for broken glass now. I love this idea!
I love this! It'll definitely reflect sunlight and give your ceiling a disco-ball effect too!
Oh these are adorable!
i never woulda thought of this idea. love it!
XO Ellen from Ask Away
Super cool! What a great and unique idea! However, I am so sorry about all of the break ins!