Happy weekend, friends! You look like you need some interwebz reads to go with that cliché sunset pic. Check out some of my favorite articles from the past week below.
A deep dive into the Instagram #luckygirl hashtag and its implications.
“..it’s much more culturally acceptable to simply be a #luckygirl on whom fortune smiles sans blood, sweat, or tears.”
“Wouldn’t it be refreshing if we talked more openly about how much effort we exert to hold it all together?”
What if the lack of electricity in third world countries could be fixed by playing soccer? Uncharted Play is trying to do just that.
Scientists are working on an exercise pill and while this could be an amazing development for injured folks, the concept sort of scares the poo out of me.
California’s drought is so bad that officials are turning to dowsers, who use crystals and sticks to find water.
The worst nobel laureates thus far.
For some reason I find these nihilistic password reminder questions hilarious.
..and while we’re on the subject of McSweeney, “It’s decorative gourd season, motherfuckers.”
I love this article on showing support for the hustlebirds.
Replacing fossil fuels with clean energy will be our generation’s moon landing. This makes me hopeful.
Creative things to do, see and enjoy this month.
Cannabinoids might actually be the source of your runner’s high, not endorphins..
“Dude.. have you ever thought about how running is, like, faster than walking..? Whoa.”
Apparently Hillary is unlikeable. What are your thoughts on this? This article addresses the phenom.
People Magazine’s call to action on gun control. I love that they took a stand.
SF’s last gun shop closes, and apparently that makes SF lawmakers “nazis” according to one disappointed resident.
I think I need this in my room..
My Starting September playlist is coming along nicely. Listen here.
The word of the week is aplomb: self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation
Don’t forget to enter the Aurorae Fitness Bands giveaway here!
Have fun, be safe and watch the sunset.
an exercise pill? um, no thank you. i agree, it would be great for people who can't exercise, but i have a feeling they won't be the people wanting it lol.