I received this product as part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Weave Made Media® and Farm Fresh To You, but all my opinions are my own.

Everyone’s talking about fall already, guys. I love pumpkin spiced errythang as much as the next basic bitch, but we still have a solid month of summer left, and I don’t appreciate it. So I’m taking it back. I refuse to let what’s to come overshadow the now. Here we are, smack dab in the middle of sweet, sweet summertime, so why would we not celebrate the sunshine?

I went for it. I threw a last-minute, summer soiree at a park near my house and encouraged my amigos to swig on some Napa and Sonoma Valley wines while munching on seasonal, locally grown fruits and veggies from Farm Fresh to You. This box of organic goodness came with some basics like cherry tomatoes and the most delicious watermelon of my life, but it also came with funky looking zucchini squash and shishito peppers, neither of which I’d ever cooked with before and both of which were scrumptious.

The coolest thing about the Farm Fresh to You box (besides not having to navigate the terrifying farmers market to find locally grown deliciousness) was that it forced me to get creative. Sure, I’ve bought pre-made potato salad from the grocery store plenty of times but never once had I made it myself, and it turns out there are a lot of ways to go about it. Squash casserole is also not a thing I had ever attempted before, but I ate it for a week straight afterward and never got sick of it.
And of course I baked because, duh. So what if only two cupcakes were eaten and the ‘S’ melted off of the “Summer” cake 30 minutes into the picnic? #worthit

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