It’s been a hot minute since you and I sat down for a bevvie together. Last time might’ve been this post two years back. We’re long overdue. My apologies, but soy milk is all I can offer you with this classy Folgers brew. Better yet, let’s just have tea. How cute is my teapot?
You might be wondering about my S mug. What does the S stand for, you ask? My initials are MMG, so your guess is as good as mine. I bought it from UO as a secret santa gift and it arrived a couple days before said party in about 768 pieces, so they sent me a new one for free but it was too late. So now I have an S mug. My roommates and I brainstormed some names for it. ‘Swag,’ ‘shwasted’ and ‘shit’ were all on the list. Should I paint on the rest of the letters or let it continue on ambiguously?
How’s 2015 treating you so far? I feel conflicted lately. I have so many ideas, plans, goals and projects and they all seem to contradict each other. I don’t want to sit still or settle. I have about five trips brewing in my brain for the upcoming months, and then there are the big, time-consuming projects I’d love to start–but that requires patience and concentration. I’d also love to start training for long distance races again after successfully finishing that 15k on Sunday, but that means carving out precious weekend time for running and skipping happy hour/spontaneous ramen excursions during the week. I’m pretty scattered– I started reading two books at the same time even though that never works out for me. Have you read any good books lately?
Are you shivering? I know my apartment is freezing. It’s approximately 22 degrees colder in here than it is outside. Ziggy scratches on the balcony door every morning so she can sunbathe out there. Don’t worry though, I just ordered a space heater. I think Ziggy’s happier than she’s ever been, despite the frigid temps in here. My roomies spoil her like crazy. Lately I’ve had more people than ever before demand to know her breed so they can get one just like her. Her birthday is coming up and so is my roommate’s. They’re having a joint birthday party–I told you she’s spoiled. Want to come? Should be a good time. My dog knows how to party.
How’s the job going? Do you see yourself there long term? Have you figured out your dream yet? It’s hard work dreaming big, especially when the dream is scattered in all directions. I admire those people who know right off the bat what they want and have plenty time to go after it. What about us late bloomers, eh? Really, though, this is a pretty exciting time. Finally having a little stability, a rewarding and, dare I say it, fun work environment to be a part of every day is a new and wonderful thing for me. Now that I don’t have to immediately start working a second job after the first one is over, I feel like taking on the world. Maybe this insatiable need to stay on the move is really my version of making up for lost time. I guess my main goal right now is to be content with where I am personally, professionally, geographically and to have a damn blast while I’m at it before I go stretching myself too thin reaching for that next step again.
Twenty-five is a tricky time because my friends are all divided. Some of them are married and getting knocked up, most of them are engaged or at least cohabiting with a sig-othe, some of them are worried about the fact that they’re not doing either of the previous things, and me? I’m just trying to make sure I can pay rent and afford concert tickets/bar tabs/accidental Target hauls. My love life? Yea, we could have a whole other coffee cocktail date dedicated just to that topic. Do tell me about yours instead.
Care for some more tea? No? Fine, but next time you’re helping me finish those bottles of champagne left over from New Year’s. Then we can get into all the juicy stuff. Thanks for catching up with me. Let’s do it again soon. xo
You're the cutest! ♥
Haha love this. I'm with you on the age thing being difficult. I'm almost 27 (eew), so I'm right there with you. And seriously, how do those accidental Target hauls happen? I go in for toothpaste and leave with $60 worth of stuff that is not toothpaste.
i would like another coffee date to hear about the love life 🙂
S is for "Seriously I love you and want to come down for Ziggy's party" <3 miss you dear friend. You may not feel "stable" (what's that even mean?) but you sound aware of yourself and have all of your priorities in order – that's called winning your 20's.