Oh hey there, friends. Long time no see! I’m coming at you from a coffee shop because apparently as soon as you quit your second job to make room for your blog baby, your internet dies and forces you to bake cookies and watch real life dvds all night every night instead. I know, it’s a rough life I lead. But hey, what I’ve lacked in blogging, I’ve made up for in mirror selfies so What I Wore Wednesday it is!
In the past year or two I traded in grainy, messy room mirror #OOTDs for full-on photo shoots out in nature with a big girl camera, but alas I spent the last three-ish months looking at, styling and buying clothes without actually getting to model them. If you click here and scroll back far enough, you will find all kinds of mirror selfies though, so this is certainly not a new concept for me. Somewhere along the sitting-at-a-desk-for-eight-hours to sitting-on-public-transit-for-three-hours to sitting-on-my-couch-for-job-#2-for-three-hours every day journey, I found time to snap a terribly lit iPhone pic here and there to show off the goods. (For those of you in the dark, my second job was styling for Stitch Fix, so that’s where the majority of the above outfits came from. It was a lovely experience, but let’s just say I’ve been thoroughly enjoying having a life again. If you’re curious about any particular pieces, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll give you the deets.)
Some other life updates: I saw Smashing Pumpkins in concert, survived “California’s worst storm in five years” (lolz, it was just rain), went to SantaCon, played on the dog beach at Ft. Funston and other adventures since the last time I came around here (see insta-adventures here). I’m going home to Florida on Friday for the first time in eight months and I’m beyond stoked to make gingerbread houses and drink white Russians with the coolest family around. I might even get the chance to meet one of my oldest, bestest bloggy BFFs, Sarah, while I’m there! I’m spending New Years in a cabin in Tahoe where there is SNOW. I’ve made so many playlists on Spotify and I’m excited/nervous/overwhelmed at the idea of a 2014 music review post. This is the newest one I’ve been working on:
I love it when you stop in, ramble and say how well things are going for you. Yay for more time back in your world! Happy Florida visit!
Thanks for sharing your playlist, I'm hardcore procrastinating right now because I should be packing for my family holiday. Merry Christmas!
Lauren / And Together We