This weekend I stayed on a houseboat. But actually it was a mansionboat. Here are the things I did on the mansionboat:
Took selfies in a keg hat at the marina.
Made friends with giant carp.
Drank Corona on the way to the mansionboat.
Took shots of very expensive tequila seconds after stepping onto it.
Wore a bikini all day every day.
Slept under the stars.
And consequently under the sun.
Lathered sunscreen on every five minutes.
Managed to not get sunburned.
Played Liars Dice.
Sucked at Liars Dice.
Snapchatted my sister (and probably her, her, her and her.. it’s a little fuzzy).
Chilled in a hot tub.
Massively bruised my butt, leg, arm while failing at getting into said hot tub.
Cut my foot somehow.
Jumped off the top deck into perfect lake water.
Played on the slide at the top deck.
Cut my finger somehow.
Got rid of hangovers with breakfast burritos and cold water.
Tubed with two other girls.
Somehow managed to stay on while both other girls flew off.
Often forgot to take photos.
Lost my shoe.
Found a video of the debauchery on my phone.
Heard myself singing “Beast of Burden” very loudly.
Laughed a lot. A whole lot.
Met a lot of amazing people.
Didn’t get murdered.
Had a damn good time.
What did you do this weekend?
I've noticed a trend that you seem to be on a boat/in beautiful scenery more often than not. Teach me your ways!
totally snapped me 🙂 and i loved them all
YES I was snapped too. Can I come houseboating with you sometime? Or just regular boating / regular housing will do. 🙂
Sounds perfect. So when are you doing this again? Should I start packing now or do I have some time? 🙂