If you’ve ever been on Instagram, Twitter or even Facebook, you’ve probably come across a pound sign or two placed before seemingly meaningless words. If you’re web savvy (read: under 80 years old), you have probably noticed that these hashtags turn into hyperlinks and show you other clever web users who have chosen to emphasize those same sequences of letters. Although some of these abbreviations are self-explanatory (with the help of Google anyway), there is a whole secret thought process happening behind these hyperlinked words themselves and I’m here to reveal it to you. These are the true meanings behind popular hashtags on the interwebz. Enjoy.
#blessed — It’s not bragging since I’m giving credit to the big guy, but just to be clear, my life is better than yours.
#nofilter — Basic bitches may need a filter to look hot, but this is real beauty right here. Be jealous.
#smh — This is something disgraceful or semi-funny due to its pathetic nature. I’m above it, but I’m posting it anyway. For your benefit.
#selfie — At least I’m self-aware.
#OOTD — I didn’t wear sweatpants today, so obviously my outfit must be documented.
#popular — This means I’ll be on the popular page, right? Right?? (LOVE ME)
#WOD — I spend a lot of money on supplements and if you don’t know what a box jump is then GET OUT.
#L4L — I have 1,000+ followers. I know none of them nor do I want to. (SPAM ME)
#turndownforwhat — It’s my birthday. I’m drunk. I’m taking a half-naked selfie.
#turndownforwhatttt — All of the above orrrr I’m using it ironically as I watch the Lizzie McGuire Movie.
#turndownfor*insert pun* — I’m up on pop culture and so damn witty you can’t stand it. I tend to use hashtags as the punchline as opposed to making my post accessible to a wider variety of people and I’m way too hip to actually use hashtags for their intended purpose.
#igers — I have no friggin idea, but I keep seeing it everywhere so maybe it’ll get me more likes.
#eatclean — I never eat dirty food. Five second rule, bitches. What is kale?
#foodporn — I want more likes on this food photo even though it looks like baby vomit.
#longhairdontcare — I take great pride in my hair and therefore care a great deal. Tell me how pretty it is and do it with emojis or move on. I’m over you.
#lovehim — My boyf did something nice today. MUST document immediately so everyone is jealous (no one has to know this is the first time he bought me flowers in the past five years). Maybe I should add #blessed too.
#sorrynotsorry — This is offensive but IDGAF. (I kind of do though, which is why I’m apologizing.. kind of).
#I don’t #know..(continues rest of sentence with random words behind hashtags) — I don’t understand how hashtags work. (Go home, Instagram user, you’re drunk.)
#Ican’teven — see above. Search that bad boy and all you’ll see is #ican.
No hashtags — I have so many followers that I’ll get a significant amount of likes regardless of the hashtag sitch. OR I don’t know what hashtags are.
#Imjustgonnasquishabunchofwordstogetherlolz — I know that probably no one else in the history of Instagram/Twitter has used this hashtag before and that’s why it’s funny. Maybe I should click it just to see..?
I’m guilty of at least 50% of these. What’s your position on hashtags?
i just laughed so hard it turned into a coughing fit so thank you for that
haha this is hilarious! i am definitely guilty of the punch line instead of actual hashtags, now i feel guilty! i also laughed so hard at : Basic bitches may need a filter to look hot, but this is real beauty right here that diet coke came out of my nose.
#hilarios #canteven #ded
I think #blessed and #yolo are my favorites to use ironically. I can't explain why it gives me such a happy, but it does. Also, too true on #selfie {guilty} and hastagging random things that really are just the insta equivalent of muttering something under your breath in hopes that someone will hear your clever comment and give you credit for its hilarity. Wait, that's just me? Oh. Okay.
Oh and your #eatclean definition slayed me. Atta girl.
Umm… yeah these are so awesome. I am getting better t them but I still do not appreciate 50 in one post. How in the world does anyone have that kind of time. Sometimes I get lazy and throw a hastag into a sentence because #idowhatiwant
so #blessed to be blog friends with you now all those #basicbitches can #BOWDOWN to us
I go through spurts when it comes to hash tags, it's really weird. This may be another sign of me getting old but what does #L4L mean? Probably something super simple & I can't figure it out! Haha
Adore you and this. I also try to use hashies in the comments on my fitness page so that people don't have to scroll forever to get past my spam bullshit. #fitfam
I like to use hashtags with sarcasm and make them as long as possible, but I do try to limit them to people who actually use hashtags so they understand I'm trying to be humorous. Otherwise, I'm just an #asshole.
Hahahaha this is dead on!!!
This made my day…!! Thanks for this!
This may be the best list of anything that I've ever seen.
you're basically the funniest person i know.