Hi friends! It’s April and that means you should seriously consider sponsoring One to Nothin’ for the next 30 days (yea, I just paused to do the knuckle trick before typing ’30’). Click here to get started and since it’s April Fool’s Day, use the code ‘FOOL’ to get a Big Lebowski spot for 50% off just for today (I swear I’m not tricking you, although that would be pretty funny).
In other news, today marks the unofficial start of 30 days of clean eating and hard workouts. I say it’s unofficial because I’m heading home to Florida on the 11th for a week (home = no self restraint) and then I’m off to LA on the 28th, but the goal is to rock the Shakira bod on the beaches I will be encountering on both coasts. As always, follow me on Instagram for excessive amounts of paleo foodporn, sriracha dots and sweaty selfies.
Who else is down for a Shakira bod by May? And more importantly, who’s saran wrapping the toilets today?
Shakira bod, I'm in!!! Also, want to do a green smoothie challenge with me this month? http://simplegreensmoothies.com/
shhhhakira! loca, loca, loca,