It’s almost 8pm on Monday night and I think I might still be a little hungover from Saturday. This will be my excuse for why my post is going up approximately 12 hours later than usual. So obviously my weekend was a doozy. Well, Friday night I made cobb salad and took photos because I thought it was a beaut, then read in bed until I fell asleep at, like, 10pm. Party. Saturday, however, my alarm started going off at 5:45am so I could drive to SF and build houses all day. Yea, those hard hats are not just sexy, they’re functional, too.
Emma and I decided to volunteer with the Greater San Francisco Habitat for Humanity (you can see some of the houses we helped build here). To say we were inexperienced in the construction field would be a massive understatement. After breaking off my second nail head while trying to pull it out, I freaked out and reassigned myself to trash pickup duty. It was rough. Luckily I made a come back in the second half of the day and even climbed up on top of the beams at one point to hammer one thingy to the other thingy (fun fact: construction is a family business and I grew up on these sites and yet I still can’t properly hammer a nail. Pathetic.) I think I might just stick to my strengths for my next volunteering opportunity (I could teach a class on how to accrue massive hangovers with minimal effort pro bono..), but it was an awesome experience. One day I’ll drive by those houses all finished up and tell whoever happens to be next to me about how I played a vital role in their construction.
After we were thoroughly exhausted, bruised and dehydrated, we headed to Oakland for an amaze-balls dinner at Southie (they had a poached egg and bacon salad with truffle salad dressing, you guys) and a sweet house party where I finished off a bottle of cheap white wine therefore ruining any and all plans for Sunday, including blogging. Woops. Overall, it was a pretty great weekend. Two thumbs way, way up.
Did you give back to your community or run outside to puke in the middle of breakfast this weekend?
I had more of a run outside to puke in the middle of breakfast weekend! Ahoy!
How fun. I really want to do a Habitat for Humanity build someday. 🙂 -Alexandra
Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
ahhh the classic middle of breakfast pukkie. i have been there my friend. also your saturday nightcap snap made my life.
Eep. You're just too adorable. Also, wine?? There's a reason they call is the wine flu… #WineHangoversAreDaWorst
look at YOU! being all volunteery (just made that up).