I found this creek behind my apartment. That’s the thing about this place. Everywhere I go I find something new. Every time I go running, I discover a new park, trail or body of water. Every time I drive, I notice new hills or windmills or new songs on the radio. When I hike, I see skunks or wild turkeys or slugs. And every time I make my way into the city itself, I fall deeply in love with every new thing I see. The trees, the Bay Bridge, the eccentric man trying to sell me silver, the statue I never noticed before and the tourists that actually think I can help them with directions. I’m not always confident in the decisions I make, but this is the best kind of validation I could ask for. I mean, even Ziggy looks happier here with those floppy beagle ears.
What I wore
This was right before Ziggy decided to run after a guy and his dog and completely sell me out for taking pictures of myself.
Shirt: Lulu’s / Pants: Kohl’s / Booties: some boutique in SF
PS: Use the code “FALLMOMTEN” at Kohls to save 10% now through December
Linking up here.
You're just too stinking adorable! 🙂
So pretty my friend!!! 🙂 I love that you are finding so much inspiration around you!
i love when i think i know a place and then find something new or see it in a new light. it makes me happy.
I love that scenery and your top is awesome!
Oh. My. Goodness. I just found your blog for the first time, and I'm just stunned by everything! Your design, your outfit, the gorgeous scenery. I will definitely be stopping by again soon! 🙂
So cute! Love it 🙂
i cannot even handle that zigster smile. not even a little bit.