If you’re new around here, you might not be familiar with my raging obsession with the band Fun. and Nate Reuss specifically, so let it be known. I’m a weird fangirl, but don’t worry, I’m totally not cool enough to be a groupie. So instead I go to every show I can and paint their lyrics with glitter so I can look at them always.
I loved this song from the second I heard the lines, “If we were honest and both wrote a sonnet, together a sandwich with everything on.” I think there’s a lot of sexy time imagery going on in there, but for whatever reason (because Nate is a musical genius) it means a lot more than that to me. “Light a roman candle with me,” it’s exciting, it’s romantic, it gives me chills. It’s about the first kiss, the sparks, the total uncertainty. It’s about wanting to go full-force when you should take your time, it’s about throwing caution to the wind because life is about doing. Trying. Not holding back in your relationships and in every other aspect, too. Just seeing what happens. “At least we would know that the sparks didn’t glow, but we owe it to ourselves to try, so we aim and ignite!”
I just love it so much. Press play and love it with me?
I am also a Fun fangirl! Proof – I knew what song those lyrics went to before I saw the song link.
I like to say I liked them before they were big (because sometimes I pretend I'm a cool hipster, even though I'm definitely not) but I maybe just knew they existed before they were big and got really into them afterwards.
New follower – { Raspy Wit }
great song choice. and as much as i love Fun. i will always love the format more. sorry, not sorry
LOVE! Proud of your glitter glue efforts!