Things I learned this weekend:
Not drinking alcohol makes me act like a hermit and only take photos of selfies, salads, screen shots and Ziggy.
My hair is kind of like a Chia pet.
I wake up early without trying now.
My sinuses are fickle SOBs that encourage me to stay in bed despite newfound habit of waking up early.
I like this “Hart of Dixie” show, like, way more than I should. Wade Kinsella. Le sigh.
I have a really hard time deciding which type of hot tea I’d like to imbibe in every single time.
Apparently it’s not just hangovers and ridiculously long runs that make me want to eat all the things teenage boy style.
It’s really hard to find crushed up peanuts to put on top of homemade banana splits. It’s also more difficult to crush up whole peanuts than it seems like it would be.
Hershey’s chocolate syrup does not contain dairy. Magic Shell does. Some bull honkey right there.
“Easy A” gets funnier every time I watch it.
Ziggy likes Twizzlers as much as she likes carrots. And apparently they come in pull apart watermelon flavor now. They’re delicious.
I had a secret desire to own a tiger-clad t-shirt from Wal-mart. Secret desire fulfilled.
I’m really bad at pre-planning blog posts.
I have some serious split ends that I’m too cheap to get rid of.
Having a really awesome friend makes being a sober hermit all weekend super fun.
I’m ready to get my NYC on.
Linking up with Sami.
Love this! And it's true, Easy A definitely gets funnier every time
xo TJ
Wait, is Hart of Dixie still on? Go figure. That CW is a sneaky bastard.