R E A D I N G Larry Kane’s “When They Were Boys” & Kurt Vonnegut’s “Breakfast of Champions.”
W R I T I N G snail mail to some lovely friends and family members (there may be some glitter involved).
L I S T E N I N G to “Hart of Dixie.” Netflix is the best thing ever.
T H I N K I N G about how wonderful the seasons are. Seriously, autumn is blowing my mind lately. I love everything, and I mean everything, about it. So many warm fuzzy feels.
S M E L L I N G my new “Christmas Latte” candle.
S I P P I N G on some chamomile hot tea.
W I S H I N G for some cuddle time right about now. No offense, Zig, you’re a great cuddler but..
H O P I N G these craft projects I started today turn out Pinterest perfect.
W E A R I N G my Dusk and Summer Dashboard Confessional baseball tea from 2006. I need to start buying concert tees more often. So many good memories.
L O V I N G my apartment. Finally having a place that I feel at home in is such a wonderful feeling. You know I’m in when I actually start crafting decorations. Who wants to come sit on my couch with some hot tea?
W A N T I N G some pumpkin and/or apple baked goods. All the sweet fall things!
N E E D I N G to work out eventually.
F E E L I N G cozy. Even my toes are comfortably cold.
C L I C K I N G through A Beautiful Mess and Pinterest for crafty ideas.
Linking up with Siddathorn!
That picture is gorgeous!
Britt @ One&20