If you haven’t already noticed on Instagram, the sweaty selfies are back (@mackensieg)! I’m participating in Tone It Up’s #FriskyFall challenge and basically just trying to get my Shakira bod on. You are probably going to notice me blabbering about running and posting my sweaty smashed up tomato face all over the interwebz (and photos of my sausage dog who happens to be a pretty solid runner), so my apologies in advance.
Here is my week in fitness:
Saturday: 10.6 mile run
Sunday: Gymnastics (so fun and yet so sore the next day)
Monday: Beach Yoga
Tuesday: 4.7 mile run + Frisky Fall Full Body Routine
Wednesday: 3 mile run + Sunkissed Abs
Thursday: 4.24 mile run + Skinny Leggings Workout
I’m feeling ridiculously uncreative and sleepy. So instead of actually writing anything else, I’m going to barf up some workout-related images that I wish I came up with and hope they get me pumped for my long run tomorrow. Enjoy.

Oh and back that azz up with Whitney!
Girl, you're just so much fun! I think we would all love to see your tomato face and your sausage dog. I try to workout too….it's a pain in the ass!=)
Later, I shall have a pie.
bwahaha #mylife
never apologize for sweaty selfies. ever.
A 10.6 mile run?! You are fierce. I've started working out too but definitely don't have that in me. Have you ever heard of the site Diet Bet? Basically you place a bet of $10+ and have a month to lose 4% of your weight. If you do, you get your bet back and a percentage of the winners pot. Just a thought if you are looking for that extra motivation!