You read that right, guys. I worked out every day so far (granted this was written Thursday night, but still), and I rewarded myself with a vegan pizza the size of my torso.. but rounder. Actually I only wanted a slice, but apparently they don’t do that for vegan pizza (not that I’m not complaining because most places that serve pizza say, “Forget the vegans! What is lactose intolerance? Cow milk for everyone!”). So I got a large and in charge pizza and had to rearrange the entire fridge at work to make it fit (that’s what she said), but the cool thing about vegan pizza is, nobody wants to help you eat it! Therefore I haven’t cooked or bought a meal since yesterday and I’ve still got two slices left. I’d call that a win, especially because this is the best damn vegan cheese I’ve ever tasted.
And now that I’ve written an entire paragraph about pizza, here are my workouts from the week in case you were wondering:
Hiking + 3-mile run with my trusty sausage dog
4-mile run with Ziggy
4-mile run with Zig (she was on a roll this week!)
Booty Workout (SO effing hard)
Can we raise a toast to my not falling despite running on three separate occasions this week? CHEERS!
Holy balls! The leaves actually change colors here! Who knew? I’m allowed to geek out over this, okay? I lived in a seasonless climate for over two decades. This is a big deal. Such a big deal that I impulse bought new boots and like 12 long sleeve shirts without caring what they looked like because they were so soft. I officially care more about comfort than cuteness. A sad and awesome realization if I do say so. Also I’ve gone two weeks with no alcohol (it’s a bet, you guys, not AA. I swear.) and I think my bod is confused at its lack of toxins flooding through it. I could get used to this. Maybe.

..Because it’s true and not everyone follows me on InstaGram (but they should– @mackensieg).
Lastly, this is the playlist I was getting weird to as I wrote this post. I hope you’ll go back your azzes up with Whitney in the name of Friday.
I would totally steal a slice of that from your fridge. I like cow milk a whole lot, but that looks gooooood.
i would eat your vegan pizza. wait that sounded weird, but i really would, i haven't been eating dairy for a while now…. also, welcome to fall in the northwest ( i consider san fran more northwest than lumping it with SoCal, because they're not the same)
i would hork down your pizza in a heartbeat. because HELLO it's pizza.
Love when you share your workouts. I usually love them and think I need to start and try them.