Dear Britni,
Today is your birthday and I wish I could be there to eat sushi and drink sake with you, but since I can’t I’m going to take a little stroll down memory lane instead.
Remember that time you let me have a bite of your Laffy Taffy and then pulled my tooth out?
Remember that time we played Car-aoke?
Remember that time we begged to go to South of the Boarder?
Remember that time you made me laugh so hard that I threw up my Smirnoff in the sink?
Remember when you let me stay with you in your college dorm?
Remember that time we did karate in the kitchen?

Remember that time you let me watch American Pie because mom and dad weren’t home?
Remember the time we drank wine slushees?
Remember the time we played white Russian pong?
Remember the time you cheered me on at my half marathon in Seattle?
Remember when we scalped tickets for the Foster the People concert?
Remember the time we took a picture with a real-life glory hole at the pride parade?

Remember the time(s) you stood up for me by telling off my ex(es)?
Remember the time you hoisted me up so I could unsuccessfully catch the bouquet?
Remember the time we played presidential debate drinking games?
Remember the time we cried laughing because Ross told Chandler, “You bother me”?
Remember the time you drove with me from Florida to California with about two days’ notice?
Remember when the wolves tried to eat my car while we were in it?
Remember all the times we ordered way too much sushi and you let me take the leftovers?
Remember the time you wrote an epic guest post on this here blog?

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