You may have noticed that in the past few weeks I’ve allowed my bod to be anything but Shakira-esque (cough, this, cough), but no more excuses, friends. Granted I was at a food festival all weekend, BUT I’m ready to get this marathon training back on track. I’m also ready to hold myself accountable again. I’m bringing #OperationShakiraBod back and I’m going HAM (yea, I just learned what it means..). So on that note, here’s my week in fitness:
Monday: 6 mile-run (in which I ate shit around mile 3 on the sidewalk where there were lots and lots of cars to witness it)
Tuesday: this, this and this
Wednesday: this
Thursday: 3-mile run
This chick has been motivating the crap out of me with her posts lately. I’m definitely not on her level yet, but I hope to get there in the next few months. I may just have to follow her training plan too.

And since I am sort of terrible at blogging lately (my brain can’t even stay still long enough to decide on a topic..) go read my guest post for my bloggie BFF, Sarah from Friday. It might explain a little bit of my crazy.
I might even go try to find a dresser today, who knows? I’m feeling saucy.
Wtf is HAM?! Also that apartment essentials picture is so funny!
Good luck with your shakira bod!
xo Becky
Want to run some miles for me?? I have 62 left to do by next Sunday at Midnight (eek!)
Yes, what is HAM? And I too really need to get back to running. Although I am not running a marathon.
go HAM!!!!!!! and maybe make me run a little bit too. something longer than my 23 mins i did on sat.
are those a bunch of colored condoms?
if so i love you more than i did before. if that's even possible.