I woke up extra early to bang out this post because the internet wasn’t working last night (dedication, I tell ya!) but I forgot to take my morning lack of brain function into consideration. So I’m sitting here wishing I was still sleeping and staring at my fitness calendar..
Yea, so I didn’t actually do 14 miles on the 14th, instead I tried to run four miles with Ziggy but it was too hot for that furry little sausage, so we ran one of them, I think, and walked the rest. Then I went for an 8-mile victory lap. I’ve never been great at math, but 4 + 8 = 12. And so I have officially still never run more than 13.1 miles in one day. Hopefully I change that up this weekend and rock a 15-miler even though that sounds incredibly intimidating.
The only video I did this week:
And to conclude the world’s lamest post..
Let’s back that azz up with Whitney.
PS: Thank you to everyone who linked up their dating disasters yesterday!! I was in the middle of the list when the internet left me, so I will definitely be getting some more giggles from the rest of them tonight. And a big thanks to Erin for hosting with me!
I can't wait to see your sweaty selfie after the 15 miles 🙂 ill be doing some long ones this weekend too (TWSS)
sheeeeet. get them 15 miles in!
I am constantly quoting that line from Anchorman; it never ceases to creack me up!
– Rachel/ With Love, Rachel
Love your blog! You got this– 15 miles! I have faith you'll dig deep and fight that winning battle. What's an extra 2 or 3? lol
You got it! This heat is definitely making me lose motivation running wise… my 3-miler turned into maybe a 1.5 miler… whoops.
Michelle @ Mishfish13