Monday night my friends Emma and Michelle, who are also living in the Bay area, texted me about an Alex Clare concert happening at the Regency Ballroom in SF the next night, so naturally I said “duh.” I honestly don’t know how this concert wasn’t sold out already, but I’m not complaining. I was excited despite the fact that I only knew this song by this dude (I didn’t even know he was a ginge!) because it meant I had to get myself from Pleasanton to SF all by myself. I know, I know, I’m supposed to be an adult and whatever, but the truth is I’ve been living in this little bubble where public transportation is not necessary if you own a vehicle, so this is new territory for me.
Now let’s flash back to around noon on Tuesday:

I thought I heard someone say there was a lake around here, so after some Google research I got an address to the park where this lake supposedly was. I was just going to go for a long run to get there since it was about 2 and a half miles away, but Ziggy begged me to take her too, so I took her and decided it would be a walk/jog. Three miles and 80 degrees later, there was no park to be found and Zigz had already puked up all her food from earlier in the day. At this point I re-Googled the park to see if it would give me a better route and good ole Siri tells me that it’s another two miles away. So I dragged my poor dehydrated dog back home. So yay for my first time getting lost in this new town despite having a tiny computer strapped to my arm telling me exactly where to go.
I later came to find out that there is no lake. Coool. So at this point I’m feeling super confident in my navigation skillz (not) and I have to find my way in the big city. Luckily, my friends actually know what they’re doing and coached me through it. An hour later I was in SF and riding a trolly with Emma to the Regency Ballroom, which is an absolutely gorgeous venue. I would very much like to ballroom dance in there. The opening band, The Knocks, started playing exactly on time and they just made me wanna express myself through the art of dance. I’m really not a dance/house/dubstep music kinda girl, but I really enjoyed them. Then this bearded ginge came on stage and blew us all away.

Dude can sing. It was pretty amazing. It didn’t even matter that I didn’t know the songs, they were catchy and sounded great live. After the concert was over I almost got pissed on by a dude who then proceeded to stepped into his pee puddle and fall backwards on the stairs. It was kind of hilarious. We also followed our noses into a bakery where we stuffed our faces with honey buns and donuts. Seriously, this place is awesome. Here are some of my favorite songs we heard Tuesday night:
Also check out this music video, which I found by Googling Mr. Alex Clare. The girl in this video is my friend Ansley! We were in the same sorority and lots of our sisters thought we were the same person. So there you have it. My waaaay cooler, more talented counterpart. 😉
alex clare knows what's up. glad you made it to the concert even if you didn't make it to the make-believe lake!