This weekend was RIDICULOUS.
Friday was my friend Jenn’s birthday, so after work I drove to Gainesville. I got there around midnight, so obviously I immediately began chugging chardonnay. It wasn’t long before the bars closed and we headed home, where we changed into footie pajamas and headed to Walgreen’s. We bought coke and thought it was pretty hilarious to pretend we were snorting it. I think that license plate said “McKenzie” or something similar.. hence the beautiful photo. Jenn and I proceeded to stay up until 6am and I might have kicked a cat (on accident!). Then we woke up three hours later to go to Universal for my first Wizarding World of Harry Potter experience.

The Harry Potter ride is amazing. I might have cried a little. I wish I could just live at Hogwarts forever and ever. We drank butter beer and pumpkin fizz, walked around Hogsmeade, rode our Nimbus 3,000s, tried on robes and rode the Hulk, Dr. Doom and Dueling Dragons. SO much fun. And yes, I wore shorts because I’m an idiot. I still can’t feel my legs.
It is way too cold right now for this Florida girl.

Then Sunday came. Oh, Sunday. See, we didn’t get to go too hard Saturday night because we didn’t finish dinner until midnight or so and the birthday girl was feeling nauseous, so Sunday morning we went to iHOP, got our pancakes on and for lack of anything else to do, we ended up at Senor Frogs. Before we knew it we thought we were in Mexico and were belligerent by 2 in the afternoon. These are just a few of the pictures that were actually semi appropriate for the public to see. You can tell we were not planning this excursion by our lack of cute clothes and any makeup whatsoever. I think we thought sunglasses would hide our hobo-chic looks we were rocking.

I feel so bad for all the families that came in expecting to just enjoy some chips and salsa and instead found us. Loitering there for a good seven hours. Craziest Sunday I’ve had in quite some time. You would’ve thought we were all celebrating our 21st birthdays. Ridiculous, I tell you. No judging, friends. What happens in Mexico stays in Mexico.
Time for a serious detox.
it looks like the most wonderful of shit shows that i absolutely love. cheers skank!
Sounds like one very full weekend of fun! Made me tired just reading it 🙂
SO jelous!! looks and sounds like a AMAZING weekend! im glad you had a blast!! yes some rest must truly be needed!!
This looks like an awesome weekend! Totally surpasses my weekend haha!
XO, Kelsey
I almost peed from reading this post.
Also, Harry Potter has my heart and now so do you and I can't wait until I finally get to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! (I had to correct myself three times because I always seem to type Happy Porter.)