Dear InstaGram, I’m obsessed with you. I’m checkin’ you out all day, erryday. And I like what I see. 😉 Follow me –>@mackensieg Dear Florida Weather, You are simply marvelous lately. Ziggy thinks so too. Keep this up when I actually have a day off, please. Dear Self, Stop baking things. When you do, you can’t stop eating them. Seriously. Running a few miles a day isn’t going to stand up to the dozen cookies you eat prior. Dear Juicer, I really enjoy watching you dominate carrots and celery like a BOSS. Dear Drunk Bathroom Selfies, It’s embarrassing/hilarious/awesome how many of you I have stashed on my phone at any given time. Ridiculous. Dear 5K Tomorrow, Briskly running 3.12 miles probably isn’t the best idea right before working a double at a restaurant.. Let’s hope the running gods are on my side and I don’t end up with any epic blisters this time. Dear Hair, Let’s get back to the length you were on my 21st birthday. Ya know what? Let’s just go back in time and be 21 again while we’re at it. Dear Music, You make my life SO much better. Especially when one of my favorite singers does a remake of one of my favorite classics.. Like this.. or this. Sigh. Dear California, Please give me a job so I can speed up this process. I am so ready to get my adventure on.
Dear Friends, Happy Friday.
Dear lady, please bring my to Florida as soon as this blizzard is over. Your weather is desperately needed right now.
I follow you and it more so just upsets me because you're so cute and it looks like you make delicious things. AND I HATE YOU BECAUSE OF IT. Just kidding. I love you.
Diary of a Brown Eyed Girl
Love your Friday Letters. Come and link up every Friday on my blog for Friday's Letters Link Up and get your blog noticed!!
Dang gurl! I love story imagery and this was too clever, well done story telling 🙂 I enjoy reading your blog!
Lena Elise
What is that amazing avocado and egg concoction?! It looks amazing!!!
This Lovely Little Day
I'm obsessed with instagram too!! And I love your thats what she said shirt!!! I love The Office!!
sending you good CA vibes!
Miya and the Moon
I think you jinxed us because now the Florida weather is shitty! It's been raining for 2 days 🙁
btw I'm from florida incase you didn't already get that lol hahaha.