Shirt: Kohls/Shorts: AE/FlippyFloppies: Rainbow
I feel like I’m about to go face the apocalypse in my flippy floppies. I can’t really explain why there’s a barrier of chairs and tables, but I’m just going with it. Chances are I’m not going to last all that long in the event of the apocalypse anyway (all I can do is run.. slowly.. for long periods of time). This is the kind of outfit I wear regularly these days — whatever shirt I can find and shorts or pants depending on how cold Florida feels like getting. And even that’s only if I’m actually going somewhere.. otherwise you can find me in my PJs in front of my computer stalking your blogs applying for jobs until changing into my ever-so-flattering black attire fit for serving fried rice to disgruntled customers. Pretty exciting stuff, let me tell you. Just let me know if you want to see my PJs, which consist of giant plaid pants (with holes in the crotchal region.. not kidding) and tees I’ve had since middle school. Sexxxy.
Oookay, happy Wednesdays, friends. Go check out the Pleated Poppy for some actual fashion posts.
i wish i could wear flip flops in this TERRIBLE weather. and shorts for that matter!
Helene in Between
Crochal region…heehee…i say that too! I also live in Florida, it's definitely been shorts weather lately and I'm LOVING it!