Sunday night my lovely friend Anna threw a surprise going away party for Emma (my California partner-in-crime) who leaves for SF tomorrow. I will not be joining her as quickly as I had hoped because unlike my super-awesome-talented friend, I have not yet secured a job out there. I figured without a guaranteed income, I should at least have more funds to make sure I don’t end up living on the streets (reasonable, right?). So until I’m out there with her, I’m going to miss my fellow cardinal a lot.

In honor of the great things to come, let’s take a look back at the great things that have past.

This could go on all day. I love these ladies a lot.
We survived college, unemployment, jobs, breakups, blackouts, freak outs, hookups & frat parties together. And (hopefully not too) soon we’ll be surviving weddings, lamaze classes & varicose veins together too. Good luck, Emma. I know you’ll be great. I can’t wait to join you.
(note: our fourth cardinal is not pictured because she’s a baller who works really hard while we’re out getting drunk & what not, but you can read about her beautiful self here)
Awww… here's to new beginnings. My boys and I just got back from SF– so fun.
following ya now from the gfc link up. I'd so love to have you join me for the ride at Local Sugar Hawaii . It'd be so sweet to journey with you in the days ahead…
hi!! found you on the GFC link uo! you and your blog are both darling. I'm #401. go me!! 🙂
We Are The Tabbs
I love your new design, friend 🙂
you girls are beautiful!!! LOVE the new blog design!!