You might be asking yourself, “Who is that sexy librarian, and what is she doing on Kensie’s blog?!” or you might be thinking, “Who does this clown think she is? She doesn’t wear glasses.. does she?”
Okay, okay, calm down. I have all the answer. No, I’ve never worn glasses.. because I don’t need them (except to look like a sexy librarian, that is). And yes, I will be wearing them now. Don’t judge me.
These bad boys are from Firmoo, but I first heard of them from one of my favorite bloggers, AunieSauce (who actually needs glasses to see correctly… weird, right?). I saw her rocking all these fancy specs and I got super jealous. At one point I even commented on her InstaGram picture saying she was making me wish I had worse vision (so kidding), and she told me to get non-prescription ones. I felt a little silly, since I’m only a wannabe-hipster (actual hipsters are probably over the whole hipster glasses thing by now anyway), but then Firmoo reached out to me and asked me to review a pair, so how could I say no!?
Not going to lie, I’m still too chicken to actually wear these in public. In my weird self-conscious mind I’m convinced that people be able to tell that they don’t actually have a prescription in them just by looking in my guilt-ridden eyes. But I do wear them around my house and I think they’re awesome. Not only do they fit well — I tend to get headaches from sunglasses, head bands and anything that fits too snugly behind my ears, but not with these — and they’re sturdy too. I may or may not have already had a clumsy someone drop them on the floor while trying to look “stern-in-a-professor-kind-of-way,” and they were perfectly fine.
Basically what I’m trying to say is.. They look fab and they’re super affordable. With your first purchase you only have to pay for shipping. Even if you are just buying them so you can feel like Superman/Clark Kent, I recommend you hit that up. (Also, check out the website — you can upload your own photo and virtually try on every pair. You can bet your sweet buns I virtually tried on every pair.)
What do you think, guys? Think I can fool the general public into thinking I have worse than 20/20 vision? Would you wear non-prescription specs?
Linking up here!
hahahha, I always wish for worse vision because I want glasses so bad! Unfortunately (fortunately?) I am the only person in my family that is not blind, pretty much. And I think I'd feel like such a tool wearing fake glasses hahahah…but oh I am tempted.
you look amazing!
love and cheer from thechiffondiary.com 🙂
Hahaha, love the naughty librarian pose! Too fun.
I actually need vision correction, though I wear contacts most days because I find glasses annoying (they fog up, get raindrops on them, can't wear sunglasses over them, etc.). So I probably wouldn't wear non-prescription glasses when I have my contacts in for that reason. But more power to you if you love them!
Definitely jumping on this bandwagon! They look soo great on you!
I think you can totally rock those specs and I love love love me some Aunie too! She turned me onto Firmoo as well 🙂
I love it! you look super cute!
Helene in Between
I love these! I've been needing some new glasses, so I may just have to check these out 🙂
I love these glasses! I am basically blind without my contacts, so I may check these out as a fun alternative to my usual glasses. I'm new to your blog and am really loving it! 🙂
Actually, you can get your prescription sunglasses with antifogging coating. 🙂
wow. I have to confess that you are sexy with this pair. It is most suitable for your face shape. 🙂
wow. I have to confess that you are very sexy with this pair and it is most suitable for your face shape. 🙂
Oh hey twin! I had the same thoughts about glasses since I have 20/20 vision – I'm definitely a wannabe hipster and really want to wear the big black rimmed glasses! But like you they wouldn't have a prescription, and like you, I think I'd be afraid to wear them out for fear of someone calling me out! hahaha you look great though – love your second pose!! 🙂
You're so adorable!!!
Aww! You look super cute! You should totally rock them!
haha, just found this from your suggested posts. 100% yes.
haha, just found this from your suggested posts. 100% yes.