So remember when I went got the whole “ombre” thing as a treat to myself for finishing the Whole30? Well, I never told you guys the whole story. I did, however, show you this photo that hinted at the stress surrounding the event. Yea, that bottom left one? That was after spending about four hours in the salon. I hated it and he knew that, but I had to go to work so he promised to fix it the next day. I then proceeded to whine and freak out to all my coworkers throughout my entire shift (sorry, guys) because not only did he have no clue what he was doing (see how he left the bottom layer dark?! And there was NO gradual change in color, it was straight up black to white), but on the phone the lovely receptionist told me it would cost $57 for ombre. Then, after being interrogated about what I had put in my hair before coming to the salon (nothing) because clearly it was my fault that the bleach wasn’t taking to my hair and him having to do it all over again, he said it was very important that he cut off the dead ends because they were so terrible afterward. I said I didn’t want a hair cut, but I figure the three snips he did was on the house. Then I went to pay, quickly since I was running late for work, and she said $110. Apparently a haircut and style (aka blow drying my hair, which is crucial for seeing what color it truly is) costs an extra $50. I was pissed, but I am a passive person who doesn’t want to be late for work so I paid the bia, after scheduling for him to fix it the next day, and left. The next day he toned down the platinum blonde and attempted to put a middle color in and the picture on the bottom right is how it ended up (which I did NOT pay for, by the way) another three hours later. It wasn’t awful, but it was too extreme. I was self-conscious to wear my hair straight, which is the easiest way for me to wear it and I didn’t want to risk spending another $100 just trying to get it fixed.. so I got my sister to help me. I went to Sally’s Beauty Salon and bought dark brown Color Brilliance cream dye with 40 strength whatever-is-in-the-purple bottle, at the suggestion of one of my coworkers. I also bought a bowl, a brush and an extra bottle of dye in case it was bad and I needed to just dye the whole thing. All of those goodies cost me about $20 (versus the “hair cut” and “style” = $50).

We then proceeded to wing it, especially since the directions are for hair professionals who know the jargon. First my trusty sister coated my hair from the roots, leaving a few inches of blonde naked at the bottom. We left it on there for about 20 minutes and then added more dye to where there was only about an inch or less of blonde left uncovered at the bottom. We left that on for another 10 minutes and a very nervous Kensie washed it all out.

Luckily my sister is awesome and it came out exactly how I wanted it. No longer am I embarrassed to use my straightener before going out (when I curled it, it was way less obvious that there was a straight line all around my head, but it takes about 10x longer). It has lightened up a bit since this picture, but it’s still much more of a gradual change in color than it was. No more Cruella Devil for me! Thanks for the help, Brit. You rock.

So there you have it. My tragic hair story. (#firstworldproblems) I figured someone out there was bound to have an incompetent hair stylist who inflicted this disaster on her hair as well and might benefit from an incompetent tutorial of sorts on how to fix said predicament.
Lesson learned? Don’t get your hair done at Polished Nail and Hair Salon in Ocala, unless you like paying too much and wasting a lot of time. /end rant
Has anyone else had this happen? How did you fix it?
I think it looks good!
Good sharing, now, it is possible to enjoy everlasting hair colour for your grey curly hair without having to worry about exposure to many harmful chemicals! Lelan Crucial PhytoNatural Hair Colorant provides eliminated TEN of such common chemicals, dramatically cutting your risk connected with hair along with scalp injury, read more at:
It looks good! I would have been so upset about them messing up my hair, but I'm too shy to ever say anything, so I probably would have just walked out angrily bawling. Your sister did an awesome job fixing it up!
Girl! I have had THE WORST hair stories come from hair salons! One time I went in for foil highlights and she left them on for too long which made the dye "bleed" hence leaving me looking like a cheetah on the top of my head…you know spots in between where the highlights were placed! 🙁 Then when I went back for them to fix it she proceeded to take out ALL of the blonde and turn me into a brunette which was NOT what I paid $230 dollars for. 8 hours later I was finally back to the blonde I wanted to be in the first place thanks to her daughter. I was literally there from open till after closing and had to drive back twice in one day 🙁 Luckily these day's I've found a great hairstylist and I am not going to let her go!
P.S. Your hair looks amazing and I also swear by Sally Beauty for the price and quality of their products! I wish I had to guts to go Ombre 🙂
THis is why I have never branched out into the hair dying market. Way too scary. When my sister got married, I thought I would get a great updo done. I have very fine hair, so I didn't wash it that morning. I never put anything in my hair, not even conditioner. The guy first told me he would had some stuff to "dirty" my hair. He did and it was really sticky and gross and unmanageable, so then he was like "let's go to the sink. I've got to wash this out and start over" WHAT??? So he did and then had to dry it and start over. I was beyond unimpressed with the style. It looked awful and I could have totally done the same thing myself. I still can believe the look he had on his face after HE made it dirty and was like "UGH" because he couldn't work with it!
Ocala, Florida?
I used to live in Weirsdale and my family still does 🙂
I had an awful thing happen to me in a salon in Tavares over 8 years ago and I still have emotionally recovered. I am the only person who touches my hair now. I recently did the ombre thing myself. My hair is light brown. I put blonde high lights in all over, a few on top, several more on the middle layer and put color everywhere on my bottom layer and let that sit in the longest. The results aren't dramatic because I went with a blonde instead of plantimun but I like it!
New fan from @laurarahel.blogspot.com
Your sister definitely rocked it for you! I had the same thing happen to me when I went ombre. I was there for 7 hours. But my friend does my hair and she didn't stop until it was right. Now I love it. I am glad you and your sister's experiment turned out because it is so cute.
Mine is exactly how yours was. I'll be following your lovely fix at some point this week so fingers crossed it works!! Thanks a lot for posting this 🙂
Mine is also how yours was. I'm going to try and follow this, but mine is much lighter so we'll see how that goes. I'm feeling sort of horrible about the whole thing right now.
OMG I am going through this now. Thanks for the idea…may end up doing the same.
Thanks for your story!!!My colorist was me. I tried and tried and now I'm mostly blond. Brassy/yellow/ugly blond. I will definitely do what you did!!!