Dear Readers, It’s been quite some time since I’ve given you any Friday’s Letters to read, but today all that changes. Hopefully these letters will put Ryan Gosling’s 365 to Rachel McAdams to shame. After all, if you’re a bird I’m a bird. Love, MacK

Dear Muse Cafe, This was pretty much the best Ahi Tuna sandwich I’ve ever tasted in my life. Even though there’s a good possibility that I’ve never actually had one before, I still think this is a valid opinion. It had ginger, herbs (I always forget which ones are which) and some sort of pinapple-horseradish sauce on it. The edamame salad and apple tart on the side definitely helped as well. I’m definitely going back here (It used to be called Veranda Gallery, be sure to check it out if you’re ever in Ocala.. picking up horses or something.) Love, Big MacK
Dear Waitress At Muse Cafe, I know the food tastes good, but that doesn’t mean I want you to sit next to me and watch me eat it. Also, next time you’re making a personal call in front of customers, try not to yell into the phone about how poor your reception is. Sincerely, Kens
Dear Statistics Class, I’m so, so very over you. Last night when I should’ve been studying for your exam today, I made these dairy-free sugar cookies and researched jobs all across the country instead. Hopefully this decision will not be reflected in my grade.. Procrastinatingly yours, MacK
Dear Dairy-Free Sugar Cookies, GET IN MY BELLY!….Then go to the gym. Love, Big MacK
Dear Florida, I love that it’s practically summer up in here, but this whole broken-air-conditioning-in-my-car-right-when-it-starts-being-90+-degrees-out-every-day routine is getting old. Step it up, Betty The Blazer. –Sweaty MacK

Dear Mark, Thank you so, so much for hiring me and making me laugh every day at work. Having this job has been a life-saver lately. Never underestimate the power of distraction, cash and a hilarious general manager (who makes it rain on them hoes). Love, Kensie
Dear Scout, You’re such a beautiful, blonde beach babe. I wish you’d keep more of your blonde locks on your bod and out of my bed, though. Love, dog’s best friend
Dear Biff, I love our Emoji conversations. They make me lawl all day, erry day. Love, Biff
Dear Boys, STOP BEING SKETCHY. Your girlfriends wouldn’t appreciate it. And it makes me think you’re gross. Just stop. Also, my window is down because my air conditioning is broken, not because I wanted to be hollered at. Just sayin’. -Kens
Dear March, It’s amazing the difference one month can make in someone’s life. It’s been a crazy 30 days. I’m very interested to see how April goes. I can tell adventures are brewing. It’s just a matter of time. Love, me.

Dear Jenni of Story of My Life, Thank you for sharing this fabulous salmon recipe with the world. It is amazing — salty, spicy and drizzled with maple syrup. I highly recommend it. Love, MacKensie
Dear Readers, Lately I have been staying away from all meat except fish (I cannot give up sushi.. I just can’t). Hence the plethora of meals revolving around fish I’ve been eating and photographing lately. The one of the bottom right is Mahi Mahi, which I’m not a huge fan of.. Salmon is my jam. But I added a lemon, butter (Earth Balance non-dairy butter, that is), garlic and caper sauce to it and it wasn’t half bad! I still like this sauce better on salmon, but if you all have any great recipes or suggestions on how to make delicious Mahi, please do share. Thank you all so much for reading. I hope you have a wonderful, safe, super fun weekend. Love, MacKensie
I feel sorry that your AC was broken. I can’t imagine how hard it has been for you to sleep at night, let alone deal it during the day. It’s been almost a year, so I hope that your AC is back to normal again.
–Darryl Iorio