(Yep, this is what the mane looks like air-dried without any products in it)
Yesterday I did something uncharacteristically impulsive. While embracing the warm fuzzies that come along with helping others (which are generally heightened during the holidays probably due to the sweet Salvation Army bell ringers), I chopped off 17 inches of my hair for Locks of Love.

Locks of Love is a non-profit organization that provides realistic wigs for financially disadvantaged children under the age of 21. These children, who have lost hair due to various illnesses, receive the hair pieces free of charge. In other words, I’m super stoked that I am able to help with something as little and seemingly insignificant as my hair.

Now it’s time to start growing it out so I can donate it again.
SO CUTE!!!! It looks really good girl! You should feel proud of yourself, I did that once and cried after lol
Kaleigh xx
Wow, that's amazing! Very brave = ) You look absolutely gorgeous with short hair by the way!
That was so sweet of you! And your new haircut…whoa! that cut looks great on you!
what a wonderful thing you did! and your new haircut is super cute! 🙂
Wow! That is awesome! Props to you MacKensie!
Love your new cut! 🙂
and what an amazingly kind thing you did.. Your going to make a little kid really really help
oh my goodness! first off, you have an amazing heart. and secondly, i love the new do! it's gorgeous 😀
It looks awesome! That is so great that you donated all that hair. Very brave of you but you look beautiful 🙂
Oh my goodness girl! Good for you. What a great time of year to help out!
Thank you all so much for your comments!! Every single one makes me smile so big!
LOVE the haircut! it looks amazing.
This is amazing! How gracious of you to donate your hair! I love your haircut, it very cute 🙂
hmmmmm super cute and kind hearted wow the whole package. love you
It looks AWESOME! 🙂 From one locks of love donater to another.. It looks great short and long. Here's to growing it and donating again!
Look at you – all va va voom chic 🙂
Its a wonderful program, good for you for being a part of it!
I did Locks of Love several years ago and donated 14 inches of my crazy curls. It felt so good. I decided to grow it out again but it's nowhere near a good length to chop it off yet. I wish… I prefer short hair on me lol.