With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I have been on a really serious mission to find the most delicious vegan chocolate mousse recipe so that I can actually enjoy some desserts on the big day. I’m not actually vegan, but I wanted the pie to have zero lactose and minimal sugars so I thought vegan recipes would be my best bet. The first recipe I tried was from Sheryl Crow’s cook book “If It Makes You Healthy” (A play on this song, how clever) and it involved avocados, cocoa powder, agave nectar, vanilla and almond extracts. I liked the idea of there not being any added sugar and the fact that it was completely raw, so I gave it a try:

It wasn’t bad.. but it also wasn’t much like real chocolate mousse. It tasted a lot like Amaretto — which I’m not a fan of, and it wasn’t even very sweet so i decided to try another route. I did, however, add bananas, yogurt and granola to it at different points to make snacks throughout the day and it was very filling and healthy because of the avocado. If I were to use this recipe again, I would leave out the almond extract for sure, but I think it could make a great icing.
I did some more research online and thought I’d try a chocolate mousse pie this time using tofu instead of avocado. It was AMAZING. The sugar content was definitely higher, but it was worth it because this pie tasted exactly like the creamy chocolate mousse pie I wanted except without (as much of) the fat and lactose. Here’s what you need:
- Whole wheat graham cracker pie crust
- 1 cup dairy free semi-sweet Chocolate Dream baking chips
- 12 oz Silken Tofu (I used soft, but firm is fine too)
- 1/2 cup non-dairy milk (or as I used lactose-free Lactaid milk)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
All I did was melt the chocolate chips and combine all the ingredients in a blender til smooth

Poured it in the crust

And refrigerated for several hours before whipping and spreading Healthy Top cashew/almond topping on it (this topping had a slightly weird aftertaste, so I might experiment with soy whipped topping before Turkey Day, but it certainly wasn’t bad).

Austin goes, “They’re gonna be able to tell these aren’t your hands..” then proceeded to get freaky with the knife.

Then we feasted on this delicious, semi-vegan, semi-healthy chocolate mousse creation.

i had to step away from this pie, it was so delicious,thanks for sharing