Since my doctor’s appointment about two weeks ago, I’ve been trying lots of new foods I would otherwise pass up in order to avoid sugars, lactose and white breads. Who knew this restrictive diet could be so tasty? This post is dedicated to all the delicious food I have enjoyed lately, homemade or otherwise.

This “California Dreaming” wrap from Genesis in downtown Ocala is full of turkey, avocado, spinach and naturally lactose-free sharp cheddar cheese. On the side I had black bean soup, which was incredibly creamy & made me paranoid that it was full of lactose, but my stomach was fine afterward and it was so yummy. I will definitely be going back to Genesis for this wonderful combination. Oh, and I drank iced raspberry mint tea with it.. it was delightful.

This spicy butternut squash soup is my best friend Jessica‘s mom’s creation and it is SO GOOD. Not only is it healthy and tastes good, but it also clears out your sinuses — which is always welcomed in this bod. I don’t know the recipe yet.. but as soon as I get it from her, I will definitely post it so you all can enjoy it as well.

On the same day I tried the butternut squash soup, Jessica’s mama introduced me to the glory that is Quinoa and I picked up some to try out. Here’s my attempt at a Quinoa salad: white quinoa, cucumber, carrots, chopped onion, broccoli florets, garlic, balsamic vinegar and salt. It was pretty good as far as salads go, and it was pretty filling too.

Lastly, I picked up these whole wheat bagel flats at Publix on a whim and they are perfect for breakfast sandwiches. All I did was scramble 2 eggs with dairy-free butter, added a Borden lactose-free cheese slice and sliced green onions. It was fabulous. Check out some of my other meals of late here, here and here.
I have been slacking somewhat in the exercise department. Whenever I can get myself to go to the gym lately I do the EFX on the “random” setting with the level somewhere between 12 and 15, and seriously, guys, it is an intense work out. The first time I did it, I went for 45 minutes and my lungs and legs were burning while my head was spinning. It was awesome, especially after not running or feeling challenged athletically since my half marathon. It will have been 6 weeks since my last run this Friday, so that’s when I’m going to try running again (very slowly) to see how the patellar tendinitis is treating me. I really hope it works out.
PS: I will be posting about this past weekend very soon.. it was VERY exciting!!
Hey Girl, Hey! 🙂 Thanks for checking out my blog!! I have subscribed to yours!!! Love it!!!! Although, you are making me hungry, haha.
must have recipes please