Last night I welcomed the two newest additions to my sorority family, Strawberry Margarita, by making these wooden paintings for my Great Great Grandlittles, Lindsey & Arianna. Big/Little reveal is one of the most exciting nights in the entire sorority experience. Up until that night the “Little” is showered with hand-crafted, well thought out gifts & misleading clues from her anonymous “Big.” When the night finally comes, the little ones chase their labyrinth of a ball of yarn all through the house until they finally find their disguise at the end of the string, where they proceed to put it on & run into the main room where their big sis is wearing a matching outfit & waiting to pounce on them. Our family started out my freshman year wearing red hat lady outfits and have stuck with the red & purple theme ever since (now I’m a senior + 1).
Check me out as a wee baby freshman with my Big, Stacey:

Just for the record, I have the best family in the whole world, and the newest additions are just as wonderful as I hoped they would be.
Do you have any fun traditions to celebrate your sorority, fraternity or real family big and little sisters? Feel free to share in the comments section!
other than putting your names on the front door at birthday time and a few select traditions best not mentioned in public, our family is somewhat untraditionaly traditional wouldn't you say??