I’m challenging myself for the next 32 days – at least. I heard some rumor (probably when I was 10) that it takes 32 days to form a habit, so I am convinced that I am going to spend from now until the Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon running, gym-ing, eating healthily and not drinking coke zero (or any other diet soda I’m addicted to for that matter).
Every. Day.
So far I have run 10 miles in the past two days and drank (drunk?) copious amounts of Gatorade/Sobe/tea in lieu of soda. Also, I hit up Publix and shamelessly bought all the ingredients a May issue of Women’s Health Mag told me to ($28 for five awesome-looking meals sounded too good to pass up). The first one I tried was the Chicken Lettuce Cups.
They were delicious. I was/am very excited because it was easy to make and really, really fun to eat. You know, I might not be so bad at this cooking thing!
More cooking experiments to come.
That's exactly what I said! Thanks for reading, AllieV! 🙂
I hate to be a nay sayer but it really takes about 90 days to form a habit, get tired of a new lover, hit the wall in a new job, and it is just sort of human nature. Give it a little more time and you will own it.