This weekend my family and I went to the Cedar Key Seafood Festival. For those of you who live in the area and have never experienced the wonderment that is Cedar Key, I suggest you get on it. My parents honeymooned there and we’ve been going at least once a year ever since.

Now if you have been to this tiny fishing town before, you might be surprised to hear of a couple choosing to spend their first married night together in this place, where the locals drink beer at every meal (and rock bellies to prove it), spend all day fishing & never drive anywhere – it’s easier to just walk. But on the other hand, it’s really relaxing and beautiful in its own way.

One of my first driving experiences ever was on a rented golf cart in Cedar Key followed by a wicked sunburn, a root beer slushee and grilled cheese sandwiches at Annie’s cafe. I also got my first pet hermit crab here and consequently my first hermit crab pinch (I still have the scar to prove it). It used to really bother me that the kids who lived here had not a single mall to shop at. It doesn’t bother me too much now.

The festival was pretty great. I have never seen so many people in Cedar Key at once before. There were vendors selling all sorts of jewelry, spicy jellies, art, sculptures, antiques and, of course, lots of fried seafood. My sister even got me this sweet vintage-y ring & delicious Popsicle.

Mm.. root beer slushees 🙂 Love you!
how bout them shrimp nachos???