On Friday night, I went to Gainesville and partied with some of my lovely friends. We played ring of fire and hit up midtown. I was really jealous of Sarah’s epic feather earrings.

I even managed to catch a lipstick-drawn elderly wand, invisibility cloak & resurrection stone symbol on the bathroom wall (not sure if you guys know what GDI is, but it does NOT necessarily apply to Harry Potter fans, just sayin’..).

Ziggy would not stop licking me after my 6-mile run (I wasn’t all that happy about it..), but I was extremely excited to have gotten a 114-point word in Words With Friends!!!! There’s Austin deflating the air mattress, and some vegetarian eggs benedict I made because it’s all rainy and gross outside, resulting in my sleeping all day and wanting breakfast in the afternoon.

There’s me and my new ginger beard (anyone else stoked about St. Patrick’s Day?!), my nephew and I before we went running in the rain and then proceeded to play Wii Fit (he’s awesome), then there were mimosas, girl scout cookies and fantasy Oscars (I got the least right of everyone. Figures.), and lastly my sweet dog cuddling with my arm while I stalk all your wonderful blogs.
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. It’s raining and raining and raining here. I know we need it, but it’s not motivating me to do anything. Except maybe watch music videos..