Some how I missed my favorite blog day: Music Monday!! So instead of making you all wait in suspense until next Monday, I’m putting together an Oldies playlist for you today. These songs are definitely not obscure, but they’ll make you sing along and want to tease your hair, so I call that a win. I start it out with some Eddie Money because a couple weeks ago I won a radio contest and scored two free tickets to see him in concert this Saturday!!!! (Can you tell I’m excited?) “American Girl” by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers is also on there because I won the contest by identifying that song played backwards. I know, I have mad skillz. So without further ado, enjoy this here oldies playlist.
So I know this might be a little weird since we’re not actually together anymore, but I submitted a photo of me and Austin to Free Crappy Portraits several months ago in hopes that it would be here by Valentine’s day, but alas it showed up 2 days ago. So here is FCP’s depiction of me and my ex boyfriend. Enjoy.
I think Ziggy looks especially stunning. If you want to see what you look like as a free crappy portrait, submit a photo and description of yourself on their website, sit back and watch your inbox for a beautiful masterpiece like this one. This is the photo I submitted:
Yesterday I was searching through my mom’s photo albums to find cute pictures to frame for her birthday and I ended up finding quite a few share-worthy pics. Here’s the photo I gave to my mom:
I also came across some pretty hilarious ones of my siblings and I, unfortunately I got the veto for posting them.. (Some people are so touchy!) but let’s just say it involved my sister flicking off the camera with a skeleton hand and me with no front teeth at all.
This is where a woman in a Chiquita Banana getup traded us a bottle of rum for the t-shirt Sarah is wearing above. See, the writing on the shirt was in Russian so naturally we had no idea what it said, but Chiquita knew and she thought it was awesome. This is also where I got to drink in Margaritaville, see my very first wet t-shirt contest (the 60-year-old woman who entered as a joke totally won by the way) and I got to participate (and flail around like crazy) in simulated wave riding.
The next stop was a beautiful private island called Half Moon Cay where I documented unnecessary quotation marks for editing class purposes (yes, I’m guilty of being a grammar nerd) and rode on a horse in the ocean. I have no photographic evidence, however, because Sarah opted out of this excursion, but I can promise you it happened and there was an unfortunate amount of horse poop floating all around us..