“I won’t let love disrupt, corrupt or interrupt me.” This video isn’t really anything special, but this song gives me chills.
I have a dilemma. Well, I have several, but one particularly in the running department. So back in January I decided to start training for my very first full marathon (note: it took me 12 years to find that post, so I hope someone – anyone – clicks it. Just sayin’.) and since it was going to be my first one, I wanted it to be officially badass. I figured out that if I started training in January, I’d be ready for the big 26.2 by June, so I found the Seattle Rock ‘n Roll Marathon on June 23, 2012 and even though I live in Florida, I was going to make it work. Boom, adventures.
Here’s where the dilemma comes in: it’s May 12 already, meaning there’s a little over a month until the big day, and I haven’t signed up yet (I do, however, have the plane tickets. Priorities.) My longest run so far has only been 12 miles — and even that was several months ago because (if I’m being honest) there was probably a full month in there where I stopped doing pretty much everything vital to marathon training, i.e. running, eating, sleeping, not-drinking-excessive-amounts-of-alcohol.. you get the idea. I sort of started again from the beginning and still have yet to get to where I should be in order to semi-comfortably complete 26.2 miles (although I definitely eat and sleep a lot these days).
My question is, should I just sign up for the full marathon anyway and just aim to finish, even if it means crawling over the finish line? Or should I just sign up for the half marathon (which I’m pretty confident I could do fairly easily) and enjoy my time in Seattle that much more? If so, this would be my fourth half marathon and I’d have to find some other cool-as-eff race to be my very first full marathon, but I’d have plenty of time to train and to feel full prepared for it.
I would love any advice from you runners out there. Are any of you all doing an awesome marathon several months from now? Also, if any of you are training for your first marathon (or 50th..) and would like to help keep me in check, I would love to start some sort of virtual running club, linky party, sweaty-portrait-album, etc. if anyone would be interested. How cool would it be to have a marathon
blate (blogger-date!)?!
Also, I’m pretty sure I’m going to sign up for the Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon again this year, so let me know if any of you guys would like to do it with me.
Linking up with: The Pleated Poppy, Rae Gun Ramblings, Momma Go Round, Rolled Up Pretty and Lollipops