😉 Happy Monday, friends.
Dear Britni, Thanks for making me laugh and continually making fun with Avril & Nickelback Dude’s recent engagement with me. Dear Creative-Nail Bloggy Friends, I keep wanting to do fancy designs on my finger nails and what not but I chicken out for several reasons. One, if I mess up, I do NOT want to have to start over — I’m really impatient when it comes to painting nails. Two, if it looks really cool I’m going to be so distraught when it chips over within 24 hours (and it always does. wtf, mate?). Three, I don’t know how to make straight lines with a nail polish brush. I think it’s impossible but then I see all you ladies doing it like it ain’t no thing. My mind keeps going back to tape, but that would involve waiting for the bottom layer to be completely dry, and then I imagine the tape would pull it off anyway! Help a sista out. Dear Ziggy, You are the cutest ever. I really, really wish that I could be even half as excited about going running on a daily basis as you are. You are simply giddy the second I put my sports bra on! (See photo below and imagine very loud begging accompanying a very pathetic-looking face when she thought I was going running outside at 10pm when really I was just hitting up the treadmill. Poor pup.) And speaking of running, you are improving like crazy! A couple weeks ago I thought she was going to die from heat exhaustion and she could barely walk after a mile and a half, and two nights ago she ran 4 and half with me no problem!
Also, if you’ve ever tried raw kale, you will NOT believe how good it tastes after baking it. I was skeptical at first, but trust me when I say kale chips are addictive.
I followed this recipe because I had no idea how kale chips worked.. at all (I was almost as clueless about kale as I was about mango..).
I just washed a bunch of kale, doused it in olive oil and salt (I actually used too much salt. It really doesn’t need much at all) and baked in a 275 degree oven for 20 minutes, flipped it over and cooked for another 20 minutes.
While all that business was cooking, I chopped up a mango (which is way more complicated than it looks..), onion, tomato, cilantro, bell pepper, then added salt, pepper and lime juice. (I loosely followed this recipe, but I’m too impatient to marinade and find several of these ingredients).
But here I am on Sunday, givin’ it a whirl. Here goes nothing. Now entering.. *No Judgement Zone*
I confess that this little girl, my baby cousin Addy, makes me want a baby. Despite not having a legit salary/husband/stable living situation. I don’t care. This angel smiles, gives me a hug and makes me want one of my own*. However, I confess that I’m not sure I’d ever be selfless enough to have my own child. Ever. Oh, conflicting confessions. What’s a girl to do? 😉
*So not actually going to happen. Don’t worry, mom.
Dear Readers & InstaGram Followers, Turns out the only thing I take photos of these days is my food. Considering I don’t have much of a life outside of work and cooking Whole30-approved meals, I suppose this makes sense. I apologize if it’s obnoxious, but at least it all looks pretty put together in a collage! Believe it or not, before this week I had never cooked my own steak before. It still totally grosses me out and I’m not sure how I feel about it, but it’s quite delicious. So at least I’ve got that going for me. Also, I’m now obsessed with coconut water and green smoothies. Awesomeness.
Dear iPhone, Thanks for being flippin’ awesome. I can barely remember a time when I couldn’t make my photos look 300x cooler than they actually are with photo editing apps. Dear It Starts With Food, After reading you, I think I’m going to be very conflicted about eating bread, sugar or consuming alcohol ever again.. Again, I’m not sure how I feel about this. I’m already starting to feel hostile when I see commercials with Olympians enjoying a refreshing coke (There’s no way you drink soda while training! It’s terrible for you!) or skinny, beautiful people nomming on some KitKats and singing about it (You’re probably one of those skinny people who are secretly storing sneaky-heart-unhealthy-fat in your midsection waiting to turn into a heart attack!). Which is when I calmly remind myself that these are paid actors and that it’s just the carb-deprived crazy in me talking. I’m really starting to wonder what my eating habits will be like after the Whole30 is over. There is much research and decision-making to be done in the next 19 days. Dear Weather, Chill out. Every single day I’ve been seeing crazy lightning and it keeps scaring me away from running outside. I know everyone has been saying it, but I, too, am about ready for chillier, autumn weather to get here. I’m ready for pumpkins and running in sub-90-degree-weather-without-bipolar-rain-storms-every-five-minutes. And speaking of running, I keep forgetting that I have a half marathon coming up! The Disney Wine & Dine is in November. I cannot believe it’s almost been a year since the last one. Crazy, dude. Dear Will Ferrel, You’re hilarious. If you haven’t already, go see “The Campaign.” I lol’d the entire time.
Happy Friday, friends!