Linking up here: The Pleated Poppy, Rae Gun Ramblings, Transatlantic Blonde and Rolled Up Pretty
Linking up here: The Pleated Poppy, Rae Gun Ramblings, Transatlantic Blonde and Rolled Up Pretty
Guys, this spaghetti is amaze balls. All you need is grass-fed ground beef, spaghetti sauce with no added sugar (which is surprisingly super hard to find), olive oil, an onion, a spaghetti squash, salt, pepper, onion powder and garlic powder. First I browned the ground beef in a skillet and added salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder (to taste).
In a separate pan I combined the spaghetti sauce and onion over medium heat.
Then I cut the spaghetti squash in half, scooped out the seeds, coated them in olive oil and baked in a 350-degree oven for 30 minutes.
Using a fork, I scraped the spaghetti squash insides out into two plates…
And voila! It honestly tasted way better than I thought it would. I’m a big fan. I really didn’t even miss the pasta in it. This one comes highly recommended.
….and because I missed Music Monday, here’s a little throwback for ya.
You might be thinking to yourself, “That doesn’t seem so bad, it’s still Paleo after all!” But.. then I was on my way to work, so I had to stop at Starbucks where I picked up this Pumpkin Iced Latte with soy milk (strike for the sugar, strike for the soy).
And again, whatevs — it’s the official beginning of fall! Pumpkin lattes are the epitome of this transition… BUT because I was busy getting traumatized at the hair salon (which was supposed to be a treat to myself for finishing the Whole30, but notice how there are no photos of the results? Yea, that’s because I’m getting that shiz fixed ASAP tomorrow) I didn’t have time to get my healthy dinner from home, sooo I ate some breaded orange chicken business they made for us at work (delicious and full of gluten) and topped it all off with a sushi roll with the rice (strike 3).
Needless to say I feel kind of like death right now. I think I’m having a sugar/gluten hang over right now. I’m so bloated and feeling all-around gross, so I’m pretty sure Whole30 (with some modifications) part II is in the works.
I know you guys are like all right, get on with it. How much did you lose? How much bigger did your ass used to be? Pictures, pictures, pictures!
Yes, I weighed myself today and yes, I have before and after pictures. I do not, however, have the courage to post these photos. I will tell you that the number on the scale doesn’t seem to match up with the difference in the two photos. I only lost about 3 pounds, but the photos show a noticeable difference in how the weight is distributed. I am happy about that, and I’m still pretty stoked about all the results I described in this post, which are all still accurate.
Overall, I like the way I’ve felt for the past 30 days a lot more than how I feel now after eating all the “less good for you” foods today (as described in “It Starts With Food”). So now I think I want to spend slightly less time preparing, cooking and obsessing over food and more time working on indulging in moderation, my fitness (I’ve noticed myself sacrificing running sessions for cooking or other less productive activities), being independent and being frugal with money in order to reach my future goals.
And maybe after I’ve a had few more months to work on my goals (or a few more cocktails to increase my courage) I’ll post some before and after pics. 😉
Thanks for following along with my month-long journey to better health.
I had a wonderful Labor Day weekend spent working, swimming, listening to good music, watching Gator football and silly movies, eating hotdogs and hamburgers (without the bun, of course), cuddling, laughing, bike riding and I may have even been coaxed into enjoying a few of the forbidden beverages by that pretty lady up there (and consequently hit on by many creepy dudes). Hanging out in the Swamp will do that to ya, I suppose. Overall it was a fabulous way to spend a long weekend. Hope you all enjoyed yours just as much as I did!
Dear Whole30, I only have FIVE more days of you. I’m so conflicted! I’ve spent the last 25 days thinking about what I’m going to splurge on on day 31, and now I’m not sure if I even want to stop. Not to get all cheesy and what not, but I’m actually feeling pretty dang proud of myself these days. I’ve been cooking almost three meals every day for the past 25 days and have, in turn, become a much better (and efficient) cook and I feel as though my palette has matured in the process. I’m trying all kinds of new things (I made spaghetti with spaghetti squash last night — and it was awesome! Recipe to come soon. Forgot to snap it with my phone) and I’m appreciating old things much more. Like strawberries, for example. I used to put Splenda or Equal on my strawberries because I didn’t think they were sweet enough. Turns out, they are just exactly as sweet as they’re supposed to be, it was me who was off. I had bombarded my taste buds with unnaturally sweet things (i.e. anything with high fructose corn syrup, added sugar or artificial sugars — like, everything I ate ever), unnaturally salty things (i.e. potato chips, pretzels, crackers, ramen noodles), unnaturally fatty things (again, think back to my obsession with potato chips and everything bagels from DD) that my tastebuds were all out of whack. I thought tea tasted disgusting if it didn’t have a ton of sugar, honey or fake sugar in it; Now I look forward to drinking hot tea all by itself every day as a special treat and have no problem with gulping down some unsweet tea (which always has to be specified here, by the way. Some places do not approve of not sweetening your tea.) Remember my issue with coffee back at the beginning of this experiment? I’m fully enjoying a cup of coffee as I type this post and all that’s in it is canned coconut milk. I think this has been an incredibly successful experiment so far.
Dear Fruity Pebble Cupcakes, I made you for Jessica’s bridal shower (fruity pebbles are her fave) and I managed to not even take a single lick of your icing or colorful little sugar flakes. You smelled amazing, and I was definitely tempted. But let’s consider my willpower officially tested. (Recipe can be found here except I didn’t add the bananas, just the pudding — I heard they were delicious.)
Dear Ziggy, You are looking slimmer and slimmer every day! Your energy has increased and it could just be me, but I feel like we’ve bonded through the whole running together every day thing. You have come a long way from almost dying from heat exhaustion after 2 miles that one day. You’re adorable. Thanks for being the best friend a girl could ask for. I love the way you prance around in every puddle we come across, even if it is really weird that you then feel the need to pee in said puddles. Dear Barnes & Noble, Thank you for supplying me with the cutest planner EVER. And yes, friends, I may be the least organized person ever when it comes to messy rooms and living spaces, but there’s just something so satisfying about writing down daily engagements in a planner. Especially one with gorgeous drawings and motivational quotes every couple of pages. Dear Hair, I’m so happy that you’re long enough for me to braid now! I thought this day would never come when I chopped off 17 in back in January! Also, this is happening. Get excited. I am. Dear Whole30 Daily E-mails, Thanks for keeping me pumped every day. At the end of each day you click whether you ate clean that day or made some bad decisions — if you click that one, it will start all the e-mails over again. BUT if you click the first option it sends you to hilarious videos, motivational images, etc. This bathroom mirror one really resonated with me, so I saved it. I think many people could use a reminder like this one. Dear Labor Day Weekend, I’m ready to do something exciting. Let’s make this one count! Maybe I’ll even cook on a grill for the first time to get my paleo-labor-day-burgers on! Dear iPhone Friends, Download the Songza app. It makes me happy.
Dear Readers, Happy Friday! Have a wonderful and safe long weekend!
I realize my blog has been pretty food-heavy lately. Clearly this whole30 thing is going straight to my head, so today I’d like to focus on a little something different, but still health-related..
Running! I’m not going to get all science-y on you, if you’re worried about that. This is actually going to be more of an observatory human behavior piece.. (with a little bit of crude and offensive humor mixed in. It’s all in good fun.)
First of all, let’s address my need to take disgusting sweaty self-portraits after my runs. I truly don’t understand this compulsion. On the one hand, it may be “Hey everyone! Look how healthy I am, I just went running!” kind of like my need to “check in” to the gym and Whoops! Would you look at that? It just told all my Facebook friends I’m at the gym! Weird! (Don’t lie. Everyone does this. At least I can admit it.) Or maybe it’s my way of telling my InstaGram followers: “Yo, I know I take a lot of shameless self-portraits that may leave you thinking I’m the narcissistic-ist of them all, but look! I also take photos of myself looking disgusting with no makeup… so that makes it okay, right?” Either way it leaves me with lots of laughable photos in my phone’s photo album on any given day. Exhibit A:
Linking up here for Inspire Me Healthy!