October Swappin’

Here are some of the playlists I’ve been listening to obsessively on Songza (which is a music concierge app/website.. perfect for lazy/eclectic music lovers like myself. Also, how do I get a job there?!).
I listened to these angry boys/super-catchy songs from the 2000s while at the gym.
90s + Alternative rock = Perfect Combo
90s #1 hits. Yes. I spent a lot of time rockin’ out to TLC because of this one (and trying not to sing out loud at work).
And of course any time I have the opportunity to learn new indie/folksy songs I say ‘Yes, please!’
I’ve also listened to my fair share of 80s rock ballads and fun, sunny country sing-alongs.
And because I just heard this song..
Dear Paleo Diet, Sorry I’ve been cheating on you so much lately. Just call me Shaggy (I even caught her on camera! It wasn’t me.) At least I’ve been running..
Dear Wyatt (my 8-year-old nephew), You might have made my life the other day when you not only said you liked my hair, but you also said, “The mosquitos always bite you ‘cuz you’re pretty.” (How adorable is that?!)
Dear Ziggy, You’re not always the best running partner, like when you get tired and start pulling as far away from me–not in front or behind me, but as far to the side as you can possibly get or when you make me stop at every puddle so you can roll in it, but you are definitely the most enthusiastic and adorable running partner I’ve ever had. And yes, I do need this many photos of my dog. Dear I Heart Music Festival, I wish very much that I was in Vegas right now watching you, but it’s pretty badass that I get to watch you live from my computer in my living room fo’ free. I just finished watching No Doubt and Miranda Lambert rock the stage off. The new No Doubt single is just as catchy as “Settle Down.” Also, Britney Spears is so scary. I want the old Britney back. Dear Restaurant Patrons, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if you can’t afford to tip, don’t go out. The dollar menu at Micky D’s is calling your name. Dear Readers, Happy Friday! Have fun & be safe!
Dear Britni, Happy birthday to the middle sister! Thanks for always being there for me and everyone else in this family. Here are some of the things you have taught me throughout the years:
Be tough. If someone comes up and tries to crush your imaginary friend that fits inside your palms, say you put him down already. If someone steals your cockatiel (named Furbie), “She gave him to me!” is a perfectly good reason for why. If boys are being dumb, throw acorns at them.. hard.
Be sad. If a boy dumps you, watch “Get Over It,” “Drive Me Crazy” and “Goofy Movie” while eating Skittles, Pringles and drinking cheap, slushee wine (or if you’re in middle school, root beer floats). If you need to cry, call your sister — she’ll listen and eventually she’ll make you laugh instead.
Be silly. If you see someone with a big bun on her head, slap it around and yell “FLUFFY HEAD!” When you’re in college, it’s perfectly acceptable to punish bad behavior (i.e. skipping class) by making the offender buy you the next bottle of libations. Also, 5-year-olds flicking off old ladies is hilarious.. always.
Be a wingman. Self-explanatory. Sisters = best wing(wo)men.
Spill it. If your sister says “We should go out to dinner!” it really means, “I’ve got some juicy gossip/news to tell you!” or.. “I NEED SUSHI NOW!!!”
Be supportive. This chick went all the way to Seattle with me and cheered me on/took pictures/met me at the finish line of my half marathon. How awesome is that?
Sharing is caring. Okay, we haven’t always been good at that, but nail polish, face masks and Cosmo/People mags are always share-worthy.
Be patient. Just because your sister decides to pants you in front of your guy friends when you’re 12 doesn’t mean you won’t be best friends when you’re 23.
Listen. Your sister (okay, well, my sister) has awesome taste. If she says listen to a new band, check out a funny website or tv show, you do it. No questions asked.
Sing. Loudly. It’s therapeutic.
Party. If it’s your sister’s birthday, you throw caution to the wind and go drink-for-drink regardless of diets, work the next day, etc. end of story.