What I Wore


Music Monday: Concert Edition
I won tickets to see Minus the Bear and Cursive in Gainesville on Sunday!
I don’t care, I love it
I crashed my car into the bridge.
I watched, I let it burn.
I threw your shit into a bag and pushed it down the stairs.
I crashed my car into the bridge.
I don’t care, I love it. I don’t care.
You want me down on earth,
Friday’s Letters

Dear Ziggy, You have me completely wrapped around your unclipped dewclaw. You know I can’t resist your adorable puppy eyes and that pathetic wimper you make when you see me putting on my running shoes. I truly think you are the only being that I would wake up at 6am for (simply because you want to play outside for that matter!) Dear Monsieur Belvedere, I think that even though you are a wine caddy, this is a rather appropriate nomenclature for the likes of you (and yes, I just said ‘nomenclature’). I wish I could win the giveaways we do at work.. Dear Hair, Nice work. We’ve almost got you in a top knot. Keep up this growing quickly streak you’ve been on. Dear Monster Pie, Whoa. I didn’t even realize that many apples could fit in one pie.

Dear Readers, Have you ever noticed how I only post the semi-healthy foods I eat on here? Yea, that’s not on accident, and it’s not because I’m a super-human-that-never-eats-potato-chips either. I do try to be healthy though! Also, goat AND sheep cheese make appearances in the above meals. Thank buddha for cheeses that don’t contain lactose.

Dear Aunie, Thanks for introducing me to the “Friar Tuck” a la Bye Bye Beehive. 😉 So stylish! Dear Weather, You have been gorgeous lately. Now if you’ll just cool down even more so I can wear my boots, kthanksbye. Dear Dairy-free Friends, (do I have any of those?) almond cheese is also awesome. Try it! Dear Weekend, I’m actually looking forward to Sunday. Weird, right? BUT I won a ticket to see Minus the Bear and Cursive in Gainesville on Sunday! So stoked! Friday and Saturday, however, will be spent serving people fried rice and pretending I care whether they want lemons in their waters or not. Dear Big Bro, Happy Belated Birthday!!! Can’t wait to celebrate with you at Disney in a few weeks! Dear Readers, I have reached 300 of you!!!! I never, ever thought this day would come. If you’re new ’round these parts PLEASE introduce yourself. I’d love to get to know you and stalk the shiz out of your blog! 🙂
Puppy Love

What I Wore

Linking up here: The Pleated Poppy, Rae Gun Ramblings, Transatlantic Blonde and Rolled Up Prett
My Womanifesto

My Womanifesto: by MacKensie
& I will be judged.
I am woman. I am me.