Today I am thankful for these two beautiful people. I’m so glad they have found each other and that they will be tying the knot today. They are a perfect example of the love I hope to some day find. Congratulations, you two. I cannot wait to see you walk down the aisle. I love you so much!
Dear Instagram Followers, I’m obsessed with photographing my meals. Sorry I’m not sorry. (@mackensieg)
Dear Readers, Have you ever melted cheese on apples? Apple nachos = AMAZING.
Happy November, my friends! ‘Tis the season to be thankful (and I really have so much to be thankful for), so for every day of November I will take a moment to reflect on something I am truly grateful for in my life. Today, I am thankful for my healthy and working legs. With them I am able to walk, dance, jump and, of course, run. Some of my happiest, saddest, most stressed out moments have been made better simply because my legs allow me to run. I haven’t been talking about my training very much lately, but I’ve been taking the fat pup running a lot these days (she is actually looking more and more like a slender beagle baby every day), and it has been a rad way to bond, be challenged and even run faster. That dog motivates me like no other by literally pulling me forward with her leash. My options are run faster or dislocated my shoulder. And here’s a fun fact: The Disney Wine & Dine half marathon is in nine days! That being said, here’s a round up of my October running escapades.
10/1: 6.85 miles
10/2: 4.25 miles
10/3: 6.5 miles
10/8: 2.9 miles
10/10: 3.3 miles
10/15: 6.02 miles
10/20: 8 miles
10/21: 2.3 miles
10/22: 3 miles
10/24 3.5 miles
10/28 3.6 miles
10/30 7.07 miles
10/31 3.13 miles
Total: 60.42
I slacked off toward the middle there, but I think I’m going to be prepared for the race. My times lately have been pretty good (for me), so I’m interested to see how I’ll do come November 10. I think it’s time for a new PR. My goal for November, however, is to incorporate more weight lifting and cross training into my routine. I’ve been avoiding the gym like the plague, and in November this ends. I am going to pump you up.
Now go check out my favorite Plucky Picaroon and link up your fall-related posts!
She also got me THE cutest journal (umm Hi, I freaking LOVE journals — I’ve already started jotting down blog ideas in it). It has a magnetic binder and these pens are flippin’ sweet. She said they were her favorite kind and I was confused as to why she had a favorite pen, but then I wrote with it. It glides perfectly. A writer’s dream (and yes, I still write by hand every day). Then I found EOS lipgloss, which is so awesome considering my last EOS lipgloss (which I coincidentally received in a different blog swap in February) just ran out. Perfection. Then she goes and gets me the most wonderful fall nail polish colors AND a base coat. It’s like she knew that I’m totally clueless when it comes to nails and she’s teaching me her masterful ways. Here’s where it gets freaky though, she and I both got each other nail polish, scarves (how cute is this scarf? I’m obsessed.), a hot drink mix and a mixed CD (which had so many great songs, none of which were already in my iTunes library. Can you say soul mates? Even Ziggy loves my new scarf.
Here are some of my favorite tunes from my sweet new CD:
Join the Cara Box party here.
Friday night my lovely friends and I went to go see Zac Brown Band (and Blackberry, who we were too busy chatting and drinking ridiculously expensive slushee drinks to actually listen to) at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena. These guys know how to jam. Seriously. Fun fact, my friends, I used to hate county music. In fact, it’s still not my favorite genre (there’s a very fine line between “Chicken Fried” and “There’s a tear in my beer”) but I have, over the years, become quite fond of some feel-good-beer-drinkin’-tailgatin’-kinda country jams! I still have pretty low expectations when it comes to meaningful lyrics or open-mindedness as far as the genre is concerned, but ZBB whaled on their banjos, guitars and fiddles. I was very impressed. At one point, I got up to pee five minutes into one of their jam seshes and they were still at it by the time I got back. I was also a little nervous that I was going to hear the only three songs I know by them (the chart-toppers) and the rest of the time I’d be tapping my foot waiting for “Chicken Fried” to play, but these guys know their audience. They didn’t bother playing a ton of obscure songs that only true fans would know, instead they rocked the shit out of some covers. They played “Sweet Emotion” by Aerosmith, “Into the Mystic” by Van Morrison (I freakin’ love Van Morrison), “Can’t You See?” by CCR, “All Apologies” by Nirvana and lastly, “Devil Went Down to Georgia,” which was ahhh-mazing. Serious fiddle playing right there. I was also pretty stoked to hear a not-yet recorded song called “One Day,” so I took a crappy iPhone recording of it, which maybe I’ll learn how to upload one day.
Also, let’s talk about one of the most exciting moments of the concert (and maybe my life, idk, I’m not that exciting). See this chick who’s all “Ithrowmyhandsupintheairsometimes”?
Dear Zac Brown Band, Be sure to play a super-extra awesome show tonight because yours truly will be there. 😉 Dear Georgia Bulldogs, SUCK IT. Dear Florida Gators, Please crush said bulldogs as I already told them to ‘suck it.’ Dear Ziggy, Please forgive me for abandoning you all weekend. Try not to channel your sadness into destroying all my underwear this time, pleasekaythanks. Dear Wendy (my FLAGA partner-in-crime), This time two years ago we drove to Jax last minute for this game, stole liquor and tailgating food from unsuspecting game-attendees, found abandoned shoes and a wife-beater (which allowed my cousin to ride the trolly), were hungover by 5pm, wore ghetto costumes to The Landing, got invited onto a yacht and even took over a bunch of frat boys’ hotel room. Let’s make this weekend equally epic. Dear Cara Box Partner (Kim), I can’t wait to show off all the goodies you sent me! It was absolutely perfect. You’re the best. Dear Readers, Don’t miss me too much this weekend. I’ll be making some awesome memories so I can blog about them later.