Fact: As a child I used to eat dog food. Like, all the time. I don’t even remember liking the taste of it, but I just kept coming back for more.
Fact: I love, love, love capers. If they’re ever in a dish on a menu, no matter where we are, I will order that entree regardless of the rest of the ingredients in said dish.
Fact: Sometimes, even though I’m severely lactose intolerant, I will get an everything bagel smothered in cream cheese from Dunkin Donuts because it’s one of my favorite things in the world. Sometimes dairy is worth the pain.
Fact: I’m a recovering serial monogamist. I dated my first real boyfriend for 2 1/2 years and the second one for 3 1/2 years.
Fact: I adore the smell of my dog’s paws, puppy breath and racquetballs. I can’t explain it, but I’d bottle them up if I could.
Fact: The first time I ever competed in a cross country race (junior year of high school) I totally pissed my pants. This is actually the only time I can recall losing control of my bladder. Luckily our shorts were yellow..
Fact: If MTV still played music videos, I’d watch it all day long. As it is, I refuse to watch any ridiculous reality tv show played on that station because I know how great it used to be when they actually played music.
Fact: I jam out to all genres of music and change the radio station immediately when commercials comes on. I sing at the top of my lungs without shame, but if my windows are down, I get really embarrassed if I get caught rocking out to T. Swift or The Biebs at traffic lights. I’d much rather have those super impressionable passerbys think I only listen to classic rock.
Fact: I can, and often do, eat an entire family-sized bag of sour cream and onion chips. Baked, greasy, bobo, I do not discriminate.
Fact: When I know I’m going to be partying with fun people, I take notes on my phone’s notes app so I’ll remember all the hilarious things we say. These notes are often spelled wrong and make absolutely no sense out of context (read: sober).
Fact: Whenever I run on a race track, I pretend the little arrows give me super speed like in Crash Bandicoot. #aboodabagahhh
Fact: I am the youngest of four children. My oldest sister is 15 years older than me and her first son is 12. My other nephew is 8 and pretends to shoot me a lot (I made him a Billy the exterminator costume for his birthday).
Fact: Sometimes when I get drunk, I sprint home from the bars (much to the dismay of my non-runner friends). I’m always sore the next day.
Fact: My favorite song of all time is “2 Out of 3 Ain’t Bad” by Meatloaf. I once accidentally flung myself off the bed while trying to dramatically lip sync and dance to it.
Fact: I am a huge slob. If you ever get in my car, just be warned. It piles up in there.
Fact: The first concert I ever went to was Weird Al Yankovich. I have a “Poodle Hat” shirt to prove it.
I hope you guys enjoyed learning some unnecessary details about me. Go link up with Whitney and tell me your embarrassing facts!
Have you ever played corn hole on the beach while drinking the world’s fruitiest hunch punch from the world’s biggest bubba keg with the world’s coolest people? No? Well, I have. And I highly recommend it. Even though St. Augustine beach decided to turn abnormally arctic on us by the time the sun went down, my girls and I had a fabulous time being wildly (and loudly) inappropriate, flirting with boys, making strangers laugh at us, eating Pringles, throwing goldfish at each other, hot tubbing, taking shots of Patron from coffee mugs, bar hopping, brunching and being absolutely ridiculous.
I have had more fun in the last couple weeks than I have in a very long time. More excited stomach butterflies, more laughter to the point of tears, more smiling ’til it hurts and more happiness. I have great friends and a great life. I’m feeling very, very grateful. Happy birthday, Katie. We are going to miss you so much. Best beginning to the week, ever.
Dear UC, I thoroughly enjoyed my very first gay bar experience. You certainly did not disappoint with your FABULOUS drag queen show. Dear Mark, Thanks for introducing me to this beautiful place. I’ve missed you and your catty self!
Dear Lady Pearl, I’m not sure how you got your boobies to be the way that they are because they are not the slightest bit fake… I’m officially intrigued. Also, I don’t think I’ve ever been so offended and amused at the same time. Thank you for that.
I’ve been ultra-stupid sick lately, so I’ve mostly been wearing PJs and work clothes with the exception of when I started to feel better, so I put on beach clothes and headed toward the coast. I have, however, been experimenting with braids. I actually really like the way this upside-down-inside-out braid/bun turned out!
I received a couple requests for the recipe of the pancakes seen in this post, so here goes. I followed this recipe except I cut everything in half (except the apple) and I still had leftovers for two days afterward! Here’s what I used:
1 C whole wheat flour
2 t baking powder
1/2 t cinnamon
1/4 t salt
1 egg
1 C Lactaid Milk
1 T honey
1 T Canola oil (although coconut oil would be better. I couldn’t find it.)
1 medium apple chopped (I used a green one)
Then you just combine the dry ingredients in one bowl, the wet ones (minus the apples) in another, then join forces and add apples. I used a regular pan sprayed with canola oil over medium heat. I spooned out approximately 1/3 C of batter at a time and flipped it over when I started to see bubbles and served when slightly brown on both sides. I added maple syrup for the first two days, and on the third I used honey instead, which I actually preferred. These bad boys are pretty dang filling. Even though they’re small, about two made me super full.
This morning I decided to take myself on a day-date at the beach. I stopped by Walgreens and picked up the essentials: Pringles, magazines, Arizona green tea, sunscreen. Then I headed toward the water. As soon as I saw waves, I pulled over, set up camp and spent hours just enjoying the sound, feel and smell of the ocean. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I didn’t get sunburned. I listened to great music. Then when the sun started going down and the temperature dropped, I enjoyed bubble tea and delicious food at Cafe 11 with a good friend. It was an amazing day. Here’s my beach-inspired Music Monday playlist. I hope you all can smell the coconut-scented sunscreen and hear the ice-cold waves as you listen to it.
If you were here, I’d suggest we go out for coffee. But here’s the thing, it’s Friday night (or perhaps Sunday afternoon when I decide to hit publish.. Mimosas?) and let’s face it: happy hour is way more fun. So instead I’d put on some jeans, a sweater and my favorite boots that are literally falling apart from too much love (after consulting with you about what you’ll be wearing of course) and I’d meet you at a local restaurant for some cocktails.