That Time Nate Ruess Followed Me on Twitter

This picture because it reminds me of the best spring break ever.
This post. Pretty much everything about it, but especially the “Happy Day Spa.” Adorable. I cannot wait to have a daughter one day (except that I can).
At work I was craving doughnuts (mostly because I was bored). So later on in the night when I started craving sushi too, I asked the sushi chef to make me a doughnut sushi roll as a joke. Later on he handed me a to-go box full of rice and imitation crab balls with spicy mayo and eel sauce drizzled all over them, much like chocolate-drizzled doughnut holes.
New Girl. I am absolutely giddy about that show. Even the theme song puts me in a good mood and makes me dance. Every. Time. AND THE FACT THAT TRUE AMERICAN HAS REAL RULES. I know what game I’m playing this weekend!
Tegan and Sara’s new album, Closer. It’s just so catchy and awesome.
I saw a snake in the backyard and it was too large for comfort, so I ran inside and told my nephews, naturally. My 8-year-old nephew, wearing PJ pants and an inside-out-and-backwards camo shirt jumped up, grabbed a staff and ran outside to catch it. His reaction made me happy, even though I told him he wasn’t actually allowed to touch the snake.
My juicer pulp bread. I had no idea how a paleo bread full of carrot, spinach, ginger and apple pulp would taste and it blew my expectations out of the water. Victory!
This Pinterest board by my bloggy BFF, Sarah.
Finding out that Fall Out Boy is back in action AND that Kristen Wiig will be in Anchorman II (and Twitter in general for informing me of these things).
Getting my paycheck and being surprised that it’s bigger than I thought it would be!
And this song.
That’s all I’ve got for now, but I think making these lists more often will be beneficial.
What’s making you happy this week?
While the squash was baking, I sautéed the onion, garlic and sausage in olive oil over medium heat until the sausage was fully cooked and the onions were translucent. Then after letting the baked squash cool a bit, I scooped out the insides (trying not to tear the skin.. and failing) and mixed them in with the concoction being sautéed. Then I stuffed the concoction back into the squash skin, made an indention in the middle and cracked an egg on each half before sticking it back into the oven.
After about 10 minutes I decided the eggs were cooked enough for my tastes and added salt, pepper and my signature sriracha dots (because anything more than a dot is far too spicy for me to handle).
It turned out really well and was very filling. I definitely recommended trying this bad boy out. And all of the rest of the recipes on PaleOMG for that matter.
Do you have a favorite paleo recipe site?
You know how sometimes you find yourself in a certain situation and you step out of your body to observe this defining moment? Suddenly it clicks and you say to yourself, “Self, this is what your life is about. This is it.” This happened to me several times this weekend, but I think the most defining moment was the one where I watched my Grandma take a pull from a Jagermeister bottle at my cousin, Katie’s wedding.