“Funny how a melody sounds like a memory,
Like a soundtrack to a July Saturday night.”
Linking up here.
“Funny how a melody sounds like a memory,
Like a soundtrack to a July Saturday night.”
After a weekend of bodily abuse via junk food and alcohol, I’ve decided to start my second Whole30 (which you can read all about here and here). Basically for the next 30 days I’m going cold turkey on my sugar addiction — no sugar, grains, wheat, gluten, soy, legumes or processed food. Yesterday was Day 1 and this is what my meals looked like:
Kale chips, fried eggs over asparagus and coconut red curry with chicken. I also had sausage and sauteed peppers for dinner, which I forgot to take photos of. I have recorded my before weight and took my awkward before photos. So cheers to another 30 days of craziness! Let’s hope it’s far more successful than my juice cleanse.. If you’d like to see an obnoxious amount of homecooked Paleo meals, follow me on InstaGram –> @mackensieg
Have you ever tried any of Missiko‘s products? Thoughts? How do you feel about vlogs? Feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, friends. Have a great Tuesday.
I made my very first video for this blog, you guys! Vlog, if you will. However, I have no idea what I’m doing as far as editing and what not goes, so for today all I have is the aftereffects, aka still shots from the video and the outfit I wore during it. Happy Vagina Day Eve! 😉
I had a pretty productive weekend, y’all. And no, that does not mean I did any cleaning (not even a load of laundry or dishes). It actually means that I worked two super busy nights, did three interviews for freelance stories, ran a 5K (meaning I woke up before 9am on a Saturday. I know, inconceivable!) and went out for some dranks with friends.. With a lot of snapchatting, stupid-picture-taking, reading JK Rowling’s new book (!!), weather enjoying and junk-food-eating strewn about in there. Oh, and my sister is a professional iMadeFace artist, by the way.