Happy Birthday, Momma-Lou!

And then Sunday was epic, just like almost all my Sundays have been lately. Me and the bearded man headed to St. Augustine early Saturday morning and ate at The Floridian on Cordova Street (at my parents’ suggestion). It was such a cute restaurant with cool art on the walls, mismatched salt shakers and all local, organic meat, veggies and even vegan squash/carrot bisque. Oh. Em. Gee. Then.. then I saw that they had vegan cupcakes too. So.. I cheated on the Whole30.
It was one of those #YOLO moments where a vegan cupcake and partying with my cousin that I never see collided with one another to create a calorie-intake nuclear bomb explosion of awesomeness right there in St. Augustine beach. I did resist the bread though, and those pickled shrimp things with capers and peppers? Amaze-balls. Basically.. it was worth it. I don’t plan on cheating again though. 10 more days.
Instead of boring you all with every single recipe I’ve used thus far in my second Whole30, I figured I’d give you all a massive foodporn photo dump (so many gross words in one sentence. You’re welcome). If you’re interested in knowing the recipes to any of the above photos, let me know and I’ll hook you up. But the important thing to remember, friends, is.. today is FRIDAY! Let’s get our high-fiving on.
1. High five for waking up early enough to go to the bank AND the grocery store this morning, and even doing the dishes. Kind of like this except I don’t even have the day off. Now that my pantry and fridge are stocked with caveman-approved foods, I feel pretty confident that I can handle the next 13 days. Even though Publix smelled like a cookie-flavored mouthgasm.
2. High five for Miranda Lambert. That chick is sassy and I love it. This video made me smile this morning. So did the fact that I was awake early enough to actually see music videos on TV (see first high five). Yea, I’m usually asleep until the 11th-ish hour. Don’t judge me, monkey.
3. High five for Pinterest ab workouts! This one rocks my lower abs and makes me so happy when those never-before-used muscles hurt the next day. This one was also used yesterday on my hatehandles and these bad boys are great for the buns of steel.
4. High five for Flight of the Conchords. If you haven’t seen these goofy New Zealanders getting their song and dance on, I suggest you do so immediately. Starting with this and this. I finished season one this week. Amaze-balls.
5. Lastly, high five for Whitney and backing that azz up! (Is it just me, or does that chick need her own gif already..?) Here’s my Friday party jam (Yep, I know all the words. And yes, I’m dancing to it right now).