By now you’ve probably heard me talk about my favorite Plucky Picaroon & bloggy BFF, Sarah, but did you know that we have our own TV show? Yea, it’s kind of a big deal comedy about an adorable, quirky chick living with three bros in California. The main character, Sarah, has her own theme song (Who’s that girrrrrl? It’s SARAH!) and a best friend, me. Here’s a little photo of us on set.
So now that you know a little more about us, Sarah’s going to teach you all how to have the best time ever on a road trip while I’m traveling cross-country. Take it way, my friend!
so you know how sometimes you meet someone online and you get overly twitter pated about how much the two of you would mesh in real life? and then you read more posts and you realize you feel kind of old because while this person you’re now kind of infatuated with is having all kinds of adventures, it occurs to you that you’re done with all your adventures because you’re old. and not because you’re so geriatric you can’t physically handle it but because you’re so lazy you just can’t even bother with getting moderately excited about any kind of adventure that doesn’t involve your couch.
Well hello there. Ziggy Stardust here. I’m a pudgy beagle mix and I’m pretty much royalty ’round these parts. Feel free to bow down and feed me beef jerky. Right now I’m cooped up in a car with my mom and some cute lady with freckles and Harry Potter tattoos. Those bitches tricked me. I got psyched out of my mind thinking we were going to the dog park despite the fact that my mama haphazardly threw all of her stuff into the back of her car. Then when we kept driving past the dog park, I realized something was just not right. Mom says we’re going to California. I don’t know what that is, but there better be some cool dogs to play with there because I’m going to miss my brother and sister, no matter how obnoxious they are. Also, I plan to whine as much as possible so that they’ll be forced to pull over thinking I have to pee. The thing is, I actually have a big ole bladder. I just really like sniffing around strange places.
Wanna know what else I like? I’ll tell you. I like crushing spiders and rubbing my face in dead, potent frogs — pretty much any dead animal that smells gross to mom, sounds delicious to me. I like scratching the crap out of doors so that everyone knows I’m ready to come inside, bumping my nose on the cabinet so everyone knows I’m ready for a treat, snuggling with my mom under the covers with my butt directly in her face and hiding my bones all over the yard, laundry, couches, under beds, anywhere that my dog siblings won’t find them. I LOVE going for runs and wiping my butt on the couch.
Lastly, it’s important that you know I hate water, love giving my mom kisses..
And look really good in glasses.
Things that go together:
Coffee & CMT music videos — my favorite mornings are the ones where I get to drink my coffee slowly and watch music videos, even when I’ve already seen them a million times.
Bananas & Sunbutter — if you’ve never tried Sunbutter, I suggest you get on it. I dare say it’s even better than peanut butter smeared on bananas.
The smell of sunscreen & Cosmo Mag — this is what happens when you’re fair-skinned, live in Florida and are obsessed with magazines.
Sushi & unfiltered Nigori sake — I’ve heard sake is an acquired taste, but I’ve acquired it and I love it.
Hangovers & sweet tea — sweet tea has saved me when even water would make me vom my guts out.
Drunk nights & the notes app — how else can I remember the hilarious things we say?
Whiskey & Rose — self explanatory.
Road trips & beef jerky — there’s just something magical about opening a new bag of beef jerky and letting that fart smell penetrate the car (grossest sentence ever, but I meant every bit of it).
Instagram & selfies — no shame in my selfie game.
Running & music — props to those runners who get all zen when they run and can’t throw it off with some tunes, but this guy needs to pump pump the jam when she runs.
Rainy days & cuddling — okay, I just vommed on my keyboard. I apologize.
Things that don’t go together:
Christmas & July — I don’t know what it is, but when Christmas decorations/songs/etc. make appearances when it’s not even close to December 25, I get real upset real fast.
Orange juice & toothpaste — what kind of cruel joke is this? I brush my teeth before breakfast, therefore OJ shouldn’t be a breakfast bevvie.
Pickle juice & tequila — okay, Rose would argue with me on this one.
Multiple exclamation points & applications — or any professional setting for that matter. My reporting professor told me in college that I only get a certain amount of exclamation points in my lifetime and if I use them up too quickly, I’ll keel over. I took that to heart.
Paper cuts & lemon juice — you never know they’re there until you start squeezing those lemons.
Daytime & television — seriously. Why is daytime TV the absolute worst?
First dates & cheese — just me? Awkward..
Nail polish remover & cooking — worst taste ever. Except maybe ear wax. They might be tied.
Bullying & Blogging — this is our place, you guys. It’s where we go to vent, be creative and feel like ourselves. I can’t stand the thought of no longer having a warm, welcoming and supportive blogging community to come home to every day. Please don’t let this wonderful place we’ve come to love turn into the high school cafeteria…. Or I might just have to sick T. Swift on you.